Reply To: Java(TM) SE Binary Not Working

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Sup Palmergeddon.

Sounds like when you shut down the computer when it was doing an update you screwed the OS a bit, maybe there’s some dodgy cache left over somewhere. you should never power down the computer during an update, you can just shut the laptop lid without powering it down when its doing updates.

I googled “Java(TM) SE Binary Not Working” and this video came up, looks like its worth a shot.

Or if you cant watch a video here is a webpage that tells you how to clear the cache

If this doesn’t work, I think the best thing would be to fully remove Java and re-install it.

Be careful with what you find from the search results, a lot of the errors are back 6-7 years ago when Minecraft ran inside a browser and there related to Java inside the browser.

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