Reply To: Crew Allies and Rivals Diagram

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Good job, I really love infographics like this. Keep in mind that to keep sizes proportional in such a diagram, you need to compare the total areas, not just the radius or diameter sizes! So you have crew A with 10 members and crew B with 20 members. You then make the radiuses 10mm and 20mm respectively. Crew A‘s circle will be 78.54 mm^2 and crew B‘s circle will be 314.16 mm^2. Which means circle B will look four times as big as circle A. It should however be twice as big! To solve this, you should make area A = the total number of crew members. I don’t know if you already did it here, because the chart looks pretty accurate in terms of size. But I thought I might point it for other people who want to make a similar diagram.

Good point. I will adjust this next time.

I was trying to get the dimensions right so that the picture wouldn’t look stretched but I made the post from my iPad. The full size image is in the imgur link.


*I finished editing it. I also made the circles transparent.

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