Reply To: Declaration of War [Phantom vs Elves]

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Glad the Declaration has been dropped now.

Cookie, I genuinely hope that you read and acknowledge what I am going to type.


You want to be nice to these Pvpper’s, not only because they have atleast some soul and sense, as Browe could have easily turned down Reptaria’s reparations for something she didn’t do or could control and was caused by a couple of unbehaved crew members, of which you belonged to, but also because your now crewless which means any body can just about pick on you, and believe me, pvp crews, much like the larger factions on faction servers, can make life a living hell for you on here.

So I would suggest putting a better attitude up on the forums and server, or the most fun you’ll find will be that made from killing you.

and now, you wouldn’t want that.

plus, if you do stop people may give you a second shot and leave you alone.


Or you can totally ignore this post entirely, maybe because you could take care of yourself or you don’t give a damn.


I may seem to be trying to be-little you, which I guess somewhat I have, but tbh, I do not know you personally, so I do so hope that if I ever do, it is for the right reasons.

Entire sections of the community will shut down to people who act in such a manner.


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