Reply To: Randomly banned for "alternate account" Please Help

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Randomly banned for "alternate account" Please Help Reply To: Randomly banned for "alternate account" Please Help

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@chailey – TheTedyGamer is my stupid younger brother. I honestly didn’t know he was banned, I just assumed that he got bored of the server (really I haven’t been on in 2 months either). Yes we are related, but believe me, I have no intentions to advertise. Please.

This is nearly always the excuse we got for alts! haha

For the record, here’s the ban record

Nothing else on record.

And the record for the alt

So on record is only that advertising; I’m willing to let it slip and give you another shot, but its not up to me, its up to the staff member that banned you.

Good luck!

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