Reply To: [Recruitment] Piratequest

Home Forums Crew Group Discussion [Recruitment] Piratequest Reply To: [Recruitment] Piratequest

  • Topics: 4
  • Replies: 12
  • Total: 16

1. lites59

2. about a year

3. currently sailor but donate often to captain

4. TXO

5. yes an admin but that topic is now closed

6. red

7. eastern timezone

8. teamspeak, but sometimes skype

9. I have skills with a bow, defending people and blowing things up 😛

10. my pvp needs improvement, same goes for my building skills

11. because I like the players that are in it and I like the fact that they are active

12. I promise to stay loyal through trying times and all hardships

13.  because I am ready to risk my life to defend or even save the life of one of my crewmembers. and I am very loyal to my crew

14. I would say 7.5

15. I swear I will treat all allies with respect and not piss them off

16. I have nothing to add.

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