Reply To: The Elven Republic (ER)
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I, MR_TEUB in game, think I will stop playing on this server and perhaps stop playong MineCraft at all. I’ve been raided and all my pets have been butchered. The lesson is as following : my goal have always been to play a game focused on building, engeenering and strategy. But the truth is players who spend their time making XP to make god sets will always prevail. There are few naval battles, not to say never. And I’m sure in case of naval battle, there will always be a boy coming back of my ship and kill me inside with his god sword. Not interesting. I’ve been so angry that I though about paying a hacker (…), I won’t do it lol. MineCraft is definitively not fitted for naval battles and I’d say “clever gaming”, it’s a pitty. The youngest players acting like trolls will always prevail. Spending my time making XP is not interesting for me.
However the EE allowed some players like me to be quiet, thanks Reptaria. But Kitsune has made it burst from the inside, anarchy and reign of young trolls is back now. The end of a hope.
I don’t want to be a leader anymore, and I think I won’t come back oftenly.
However, I’ve really enjoyed my mates inside EE, especially Reptaria. We’ve spent more than 1 year together, almost every night for me. I wish we keep contact and maybe we could find together a server or a game where we could build something together again. I could give you my Facebook or mail link to keep contact.
I thank Godsdead who has tried to build a clever game on MineCraft but I think this mission is impossible. I apologize for having told threats upon the server, of course I won’t do anything and I think he’s a courageous man trying to bring clever gaming inside MineCraft. Losing months of game in few minutes in the way I’ve explained had made me nervous lol.
See you.
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