Reply To: Siegable Blocks

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Siegable Blocks Reply To: Siegable Blocks

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Let’s all remember this as well: If we make stone brick siegable, then one will not change the way their bases are made, but what material they are made of. Instead of a stone brick box, one would expect to see a hardened clay box or a log box 0.o.

Imho, I believe that siege proof blocks should be logical to an extent. Stone bricks are pretty tough to break, yeah? Wood slab? Not much different than the soft wood block that is already breakable.

This isn’t a factions server, so the longer the list, the closer we become to one. On the same token, this isn’t a creative server acting as a “safe space” either. Raiding shouldn’t be impossible, just made somewhat difficult as it is a PIRATE server. The fact a chest can be locked and the copious amount of people that still manage to get cleaned out after a raid is unbelievable.

Back on topic, what I believe we are looking for is a happy medium- a system that allows the talent of our creative builders to be expressed within their piratey creations as well as the ruthless looting of said creations to occur without unnecessary damages. Just some food for though ;D

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