Reply To: can I please get unbanned?

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests can I please get unbanned? Reply To: can I please get unbanned?

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Im not sure if its my mistake but im not able to find any warnings or bans on the playername dcwhawk on the punishment checker

Even though the punishment checker hasn’t been updated, a year old ban should show up.

Search results return nothing

And the username has not been changed

We did, for a period of time have a very bad auto banner, that I ended up getting rid of as it was just banning players like mad without any mention to the staff at all, and no way to track it, this was live for ages, nearly an entire year, so I assume @dcwhawk was actually unfairly banned automatically by a bad plugin. The timeframe you suggest does also fit in with when this ban system was active.

I tried to unban you using our ban system and it said you were not banned, I tried out secondary ban system (the old one) and it unbanned you, so this makes me even more sure it was the dodgy auto banning from years ago.

you should now be unbanned.

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