Reply To: War Rules

Home Forums Crew Group Discussion Templar Embassy War Rules Reply To: War Rules

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  • ★★★★★★

Iron killing iron = 2 points

God killing iron = 1 point

Iron killing God = 5 points

God killing God = 4 points

God killing Ninja= 1 point

Ninja killing Ninja= 2 points

Iron killing Ninja= 2 points

Ninja killing God= 5 points

Ninja killing iron= 1.5 points

Now on to suicide squads, these work very well at smoothening out the crowd, sometimes I sneaked in and just blasted people with potions that harmed both me and them, you do this as a first charge, the God people wait until the Suicide Bomber is dead and then they charge, the team would’ve already lost some of their potions trying to regen then.


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