Reply To: Netherrack not a soft block?

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Netherrack not a soft block? Reply To: Netherrack not a soft block?

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Even though I agree with E that it is by far cheapest available source of hard blocks, I believe that it should stay as it is. Have you ever wondered, why nobody actually uses it? Yeah, it is free and safe, but it is ugly as hell. Nobody EVER uses it in overworld because it is literally the most disgusting texture there is in minecraft, and nobody wants to paint their base with it. On the other hand, do you know how ugly most blocks such as stone or stone brick look in nether? About equally as bad as netherrack looks in the overworld… I think that you should keep it as it is, just because it does not really give that much of an advantage (stone is not that expensive…) and it is really not used to get advantage anywhere….

There is netherbrick… the nether version of stonebrick, you can make this from netherrack. netherrack should be treated like dirt in my opinion.

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