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not that anyone really cares, but I found out about this server while looking for a server with moving spacecraft, and this was the first entry, I read up the forums, then joined and worked up to cadet rank, then sieged brutally by gen ben. I was later taken in by iron castle and secondeath, I helped around their first city, located in the desert(long gone now). once that place was raided to bits, secondeath started a new crew, the starks, I was the first person to help him and together we built a lovely snowy castle with lovely docks, I constructed the ships(which wouldn’t work since I made em to large). we then moved location to the northwest edge of the map, building a massive structure and town, before moving to where the crew is positioned now(I won’t disclose that info). That’s my server history in one big nut shell, hope you find it amusing at least.

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