SocksWithCrocs_ ยป Overview
- Status
- Last seen
- 3 days, 7 hours, 8 minutes, 28 seconds (21/01/2025 19:58:07)
- Last Logon
- 21/01/2025 19:56:25
- Playtime
- 31 days 4 hours 55 minutes 8 seconds
- Money
- $2201.70
- 1.11
- Votes
- 74
- 4c4605d3-9385-4c01-ab9f-aa600fcde3db
- Short UUID
- 4c4605d393854c01ab9faa600fcde3db
- Total Claims
- 8
- Accrued Claim blocks
- 35174
- Bonus Claim Blocks
- -5034
Username History
Username | Date |
SocksWithCrocs_ | 04/21/2021 16:24:47 |
sockswithcrocss | 02/17/2021 20:38:17 |
LilBroomstickk | 12/11/2020 20:29:09 |
SocksGobrrrrrrrr | 11/06/2020 21:11:07 |
sockswithcrocss | 10/04/2020 16:35:13 |
SockswithSanda1s | 08/15/2020 19:07:09 |
SocksWithCrocss | 12/25/2019 14:26:58 |
Crew Details
The British Empire is a long-standing Empire, with a tradition rich history. Who are based on a democratic system.
- Crew Tag
- be
- Deaths
- 207
- Ally Kills
- 3
- Civ Kills
- 34
- Rival Kills
- 34
- Neutral Kills
- 199
/kit playtime7
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime4
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime3
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime6
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime5
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime2
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime1
Unlock with /prewards
/kit advent24_2
See /kits in game
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