Salvator_Mundi ยป Overview
- Status
- Last seen
- 1 months, 13 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes, 18 seconds (03/12/2024 16:11:55)
- Last Logon
- 03/12/2024 16:07:40
- Playtime
- 8 days 13 hours 53 minutes 31 seconds
- Money
- $3498.29
- Votes
- 75
- 311f3a21-f415-4ad7-8d38-ed59d845ae59
- Short UUID
- 311f3a21f4154ad78d38ed59d845ae59
- Total Claims
- 10
- Accrued Claim blocks
- 12531
- Bonus Claim Blocks
- 2548
Username History
Username | Date |
Salvator_Mundi | 04/21/2020 14:28:30 |
yelp24 | 04/20/2020 22:05:58 |
Salvator_Mundi | 04/20/2020 19:55:53 |
yelp24 | 04/20/2020 12:46:54 |
Crew Details
Salvator_Mundi's not in a crew!
Check the PirateCraft discord for crews that are recruiting!
/kit advent23_25
See /kits in game
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