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  • #38111
    • Topics: 794
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    Came on today and the server randomly crashed, apparently its been doing it here and there and nobody reported it! So I had no idea, The only thing I have changed recently is adding the emoticon plugin, so I have removed that for now to see if that solves the issue, a few other minor updates:

    • Updated bungee
    • Updated our Client protocol hack to allow 1.10 clients
    • Updated the chat plugin, This seems to have fixed links working again! (please test)
    • Updated the plugin I use to stop people changing spawners with mob eggs to allow blocks to be placed on top of them again.

    As another quick update, I have holiday time coming up next week where I plan on getting some updates happening, first and foremost I want to get us running properly on 1.10, so I can update all the plugins that require 1.10 now, and then I can progress from there.


    In reply to: PVP updates?

    • Topics: 25
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    I think 1.9 Pvp right now is fine. You don’t always get a kill but you tear down there armour and and make then waste resources. And changing the nature of Pvp is going to mess up a lot of people. Someone goes in that knows eating will save them, then goes in and dies is going to be mad since there not use to the Pvp.

    Also I think it’s better, in 1.8 fights they lasted less than a minute. Now fights actually last a while. There are also other ways to stop them from Regening. There are ways to still kill people you just got to find the ways. 🙂



    • Topics: 13
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    New Building Guidelines:

    -Shops will now have a limit to how many Item Frames, Heads, Armor Stands and Banners. (this also includes the storage area of the shops)
    -Shops will also have to follow a sign template. what this is, is a guide to how you set up your shop signs. This makes it easier to tell what is being sold/bought when all signs follow the same guide. It also makes it easier if the port managers decide to make price list of all items on the island. Shops that do not follow the sign template will not be added to the price list.

    * For a 3+ floor shop, there is a limit to 32 Item Frames, Heads, Armor Stands and Banners total. This includes Head and Banner Shops.
    * For a 2 floor shop, there is a limit to 16 Item Frames, Heads, Armor Stands and Banners total. This includes Head and Banner Shops.
    * For a 1 floor shop, there is a limit to 8  Item Frames, Heads, Armor Stands and Banners total. This includes Head and Banner Shops.
    * For a shop stall, there is a limit to 5  Item Frames, Heads, Armor Stands and Banners total. This includes Head and Banner Shops.

    ALL shops are required to follow this guideline. Failure to do so may result in losing shop perms. You will recieve a verbal warning for 1st offence. For the 2nd violation, an island manager will remove all the violating items from the shop. If it persists, then you will recieve a $50 fine, and possibly lose your shop perms.
    The shop sign template will allow for easier shopping, and to help stop scamming. If your shop is caught scamming, you will not recieve a verbal warning, the linked chest will be found and broken, and you will recieve a $50 fine. If scamming persists, your shop perms may be revoked.

    Shop Sign Template:

    Item Name
    Item Amount

    Example:              [Buy]                               [Sell]
    Stone                          Cobblestone
    x64                                    x32
    $2                                     $.25
    The sign template also allows the shop managers to compose a master list of all shop items and prices. Failure to follow the template will result in your entire shop to be removed from the list.
    To compromise the limit on item frames, an alternative would be to place the buy/sell signs onto the block being sold/purchased.
    Item frames are only aesthetic, they are not required to run a shop.

    Other Building Guidelines:

    -Try to avoide using blue glass.
    -Try to avoid using cobblestone. If your build requires the use of cobbleston,e use double cobble slabs.
    -Build your storage with stone, or other non siegable blocks.
    -Lock all your storage chests. There are several blocks that do not require a tool to break but are also non-siegable:
    * Hay Bales
    * Soul Sand
    * Slime Block
    * Crafting Tables
    * Logs

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 5
    • Replies: 94
    • Total: 99
    • ★★★★

    Hello everyone,

    I’m sorry if this is being repetitively posted however I cannot see it coming up on the forums.. So I will post again.

    I had messaged Gods privately to see if this was feasible and my knowledge of the internal workings of mine craft are very slim so I apologize to Gods as I am copying my original DM to him.

    As everyone knows and have probably heard ALOT of lately, is that 1.9 killed pvp. As much as I can see the impact on pirate craft I don’t tend to agree. When ever I play minigames on other servers the combat factor has improved. The ability to time attacks, block with a shield and have natural regen makes combat strategic. The days of spam clicking are over and I am really happy about that.
    With this being said there are still some flaws. One of the biggest and the reason why I have limited my time on Piratecraft lately is due to the fact that no one dies with Prot 4. In any given battle (1vs1 or 10 vs 1) the ability to eat food run and regen makes it near impossible to kill someone who has good gear. Watch this recent battle posted in forums and see what I mean. (
    In 1.8, the problem was the OP Gapples. This however was a consequence of staying alive. You had to use a mass amount of resources to stay invincible and even with gapples when armor broke there was still a chance that a player could die. Secon was a prime example of this. He would come into battle with 30 gapples and end up loosing 20 because his armor would break. With the 1.9 combat update the only way to kill someone is by breaking their armor since steak can provide someone in P4 natural regen and allow them to stay alive. This is usually done by spam clicking to wear down durability quicker (back to 1.8). This inability to kill players has not only taken a toll on PVP on the server but I think this is also reflected in the market prices of goods. Diamonds are now at an all time low because there is no need for multiple sets of God as you can continually repair using mending. Obviously there are flaws to the combat as there was in 1.8 however I would like to get the servers thoughts on a suggestion.

    Would the server favor a reduction of the protection offered by protection enchants?  I believe that natural regen shouldn’t be able to keep a fighter alive in combat. Doesn’t make sense logically. If there is a way to increase the damage taken by a sword or axe against p4 to lets say .75 a heart instead of less than .5 hearts then natural regen would only postpone death instead of making a person immortal ? This will need lots of testing however perfect 1.9 pvp exists without enchants. Once Prot and Sharpness gets involved the battles seem unrealistic and are pointless. What I am suggesting is bringing pvp back to the point where people can go after players out of vengeance. I miss the days when I could sneak up behind someone and hit them 5-10 times and kill them regardless of what they were wearing. 1.9 takes away from what was awesome about piratecraft (at least for me.)

    No one in their right mind should be able to hold off 10 attackers. Anyone should be subject to death from a well organized team as well as one person should be able to kill 2-3 people if they time their attacks right and are strategic. Death is what makes an economy run in Piratecraft. If items are never lost then trade decreases. These changes will not affect deckies who just start as they will rely on un-enchanted gear and thus this change, if possible, will affect those who are OP.

    The fundamentals of PVP in minecraft will never be perfect, however if there is a way to reduce the protection buffer given by prot enchants we can make a change into strategic/semi-realistic pvp.

    Both pros/cons are welcome so please discuss below if this would be a welcomed change. I will also need to do some research into this to see if it is possible. If anyone has ways of doing this please comment below as well
    Thanks everyone!

    • Topics: 21
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    Yeah, looking back at my comment as well I realize that it was no way additive or contributive to the topic :/ Sorry all. I guess I saw this post as a “Please give me my money back” rather than a “this could be beneficial to other players”

    • Topics: 46
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    @gterwilliger I’m with @captaincrackerz and @crazypirate1 on this one

    Build, just shut up? He’s trying to make a contribution.

    This is from a different topic but still holds true.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 44
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    holy shit build stop attacking this guy on the forums -.-

    allow him to make suggestions like any other person.


    • Topics: 6
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    • Total: 16

    Whenever you hover over the warp icons on the LiveMap, it mentions the price. Either way, you’re not getting your money back. One of the rules, no compensation.. ?

    Please stop posting here. You’re not even contributing to the topic. Just because it’s a public post doesn’t give you justification to make spam.

    • Topics: 46
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    ffs people stop with the bad comments, @reaverofdarknes1 has a great point here. The average newbie either hasn’t been online long enough to see the paid warp message, they were offline, or they were confused by everything going on in chat and just stopped paying attention to chat. To go along with his suggestion I think that /warp (or whatever the command is to get the list) should have something that clearly states if a warp is a paid warp or not.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril


    In reply to: Recruiting new staff

    • Topics: 21
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    That’s true, I do believe last week there was a log in/log out spammer on TS that was believed to be Elexandre and Cysteen had to Call in CallieMav to stop him.

    TeamSpeak moderator sounds interesting 😮

    If it does come out, I’d like to apply since I’m active a lot on TeamSpeak 🙂

    Founder of the Coalition


    In reply to: Recruiting new staff

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    this may be slightly off topic, and I apologize if it is so, but I do have a suggestion/request for a staff rank/ position. I would like to suggest a TeamSpeak moderator rank/position. there is usually a few players in TS, and every so often there is a disruptive player that joins just to cause trouble (an example would be one player joining and leaving constantly to spam the ts with “user joined your channel/user disconnected from your channel”). an active ts user with perms could help with keeping peace when someone decides to cause issues for the other users. thanks for reading ^-^/

    I’m game for this, good idea. Want to take on the role as a TS mod? I would have to look into its permission system…


    In reply to: Recruiting new staff

    • Topics: 13
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    this may be slightly off topic, and I apologize if it is so, but I do have a suggestion/request for a staff rank/ position. I would like to suggest a TeamSpeak moderator rank/position. there is usually a few players in TS, and every so often there is a disruptive player that joins just to cause trouble (an example would be one player joining and leaving constantly to spam the ts with “user joined your channel/user disconnected from your channel”).  an active ts user with perms could help with keeping peace when someone decides to cause issues for the other users. thanks for reading ^-^/

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: Removing Claim Request

    Alvanos Morvothril
    • Topics: 12
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    ~Dark Elf King of the Ebonheart Empire~

    "I don’t recall using teleportation. Yet there I was. Alone. Naked."
    -Abraham Lincoln


    In reply to: Where my Youtubers at

    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    Thanks for the sub and encouragement Mas.

    The software is OBS open broadcast system its open source, unrestricted and free. But the best thing was no time restriction and no lag while recording like I had with Overwolf and some of the others.

    It has a lot of flexibility and does a good job but I messed up the vid quality while editing it. I had to cut it down from 40 mins 🙂 and since I don’t have a mic we just used the laptops internal mic which is not so good.

    • Topics: 794
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    @godsdead If the server is currently using NoCheat, isn’t there a config option called “hover ticks” which is basically a limit of ticks for which a player can “fly” for before the plug-in assumes that the player is flying and kicks them from the server? Couldn’t this number just be increased a bit to account for server lag, client lag, and poor PC performance? Or maybe tweak combat log a bit so that it allows a 10-20 second log in period before it kills you and drops your items?

    @godsdead you could do this, or you could make it so that a disconnect as a result of a kick doesn’t kill you when you are combat tagged

    Please take a second and think before posting. “Oh no im in a PVP battle! wait I can just log off, look at the map until they are gone and then come back“. Do not reply to this, this is day 1, book 1, page 1 kind of server moderating mate.

    @godsdead If the server is currently using NoCheat, isn’t there a config option called “hover ticks” which is basically a limit of ticks for which a player can “fly” for before the plug-in assumes that the player is flying and kicks them from the server? Couldn’t this number just be increased a bit to account for server lag, client lag, and poor PC performance? Or maybe tweak combat log a bit so that it allows a 10-20 second log in period before it kills you and drops your items?

    Its just shit, I’m going to replace it when we move to 1.10 properly.

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