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  • #39260

    In reply to: Video Bounty Time

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    You’re evil yeti! Keemster’s been a real annoying person, just like his name, just adding er and having a teenage boy skin is annoying. He killed me for no reason once but as I’m on the lesser end of the butt hurt spectrum I resisted the temptation to report him to browe, tp killing is bad, I did it once to test a trap but I gave the users stuff back. People don’t realise the vibe it gives, it’s like “hey, your a filthy liar, well, server hate for eternity now!” People like CaptainCutless have made a change and stopped tp killing people, and I’m proud to be a part in that change. Tp killing is wrong and annoying, so are teenage boy skins, *points to himself* you hear that!?


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    Im on board with this 100% except, how does it kill the point of ships, ships maintain a balance of beauty and capacity. You can fill a whole army in some ships. Ships don’t get ruled out by tp’s I get animals from one side to another using them. This may be a small use for them on a PIRATE server. But you know how it is, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, and I don’t think this server’s tp system is broken. Sometimes I don’t feel like travelling for 2 hours accross the map to get to a friend’s house to defend. With a new map expansion it’d take even longer, especially since I’m a multitasker IRL and watch tv while playing. That’s off topic anyway. Along with this topic is the no /sethome anymore, that’d be horrible for me, since my homes are all over the joint, I’d be walking for hours and quite honestly I’d quit the server.

    I’m sorry, maybe everything I just said makes no sense or in theory all has answers, sorry if that’s true.


    • Topics: 21
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    I’m not sure if chase is still interested in building/working on the museum after that forum post. If not, I would love to work on the museum!  I don’t want to steal anyone’s thunder, but this is something that is very important to me and many other players. I don’t want the project to fade away or take forever. My hopes are for it to be done and done right. Chase was doing a lovely job with it and had it guided in the right direction; but then it it kinda went in a bunch of different directions, was closed and reopened and changed topic. If Chase is still up for it, that’s more than cool with me and I would love to help anyway possible.  If not I would be more than happy to lead this project or anyothers, Just say the word Godsy 😛

    • Topics: 11
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    on top of that build. to prove a point with that post last time i checked griefing land around a base is not allowed but hey its ok for some people.


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    Wait, souldin aren’t you the guy who  ran to the forums to cry about some holes?And tagged Godsy/staff like 12 times?

    :/ ur records not clean…

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown

    • Topics: 11
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    O for the love of god, im going to say this now. It is time for you all to put your big boy pants on and stop crying about everything on the forums. This is just a game, to sit here and run to the staff about someone name calling or i got raided or blah blah blah. Move on get over it and play the game. The staff here does not have time to sit here and hold your hand every time your feelings get hurt.


    • Topics: 44
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    alright, matthewxforms u shouldnt be telling people to kill themselves, thats just a BS attitude.

    (and to think i gave u a beer ig yesterday and didnt kill u IN GAME 😛 )


    as others said, i dont feel its necessary to spam the mods about this topic. i completely understand that this is a serious issue, with a lot of ppl being depressed these days, but (on other servers) there are millions of idiotic 12 year olds that spam “kys” after a minigame that they lost that the phrase has lost any actual meaning for most ppl, since many, i for one, brush it off.


    but again, if this really hurt u dork, it would be better to talk to one staff member individually in ./msg and send them a screenshot, then to make a forum post where on the person who said “kys” can respond and make things worse.


    my two cents. (and if u misunderstood this post, i do not take suicide as a joke/irrelevant)


    • Topics: 29
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    This is a very interesting topic that has happend before…in a neutral side you can see dorkito who has taken high offense to this. Yes it is bad, but spamming 4 mods/owner in @s isn’t necessary.

    As for Mathew I don’t think this stuff is tolorable but a permban isn’t necessary, be a good kid and mature for once…you never know what the other guy has been through.

    Thats all folks…

    A endermite kicked my ass

    • Topics: 63
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    We stop taking entries very soon, folks! Get your builds in before it’s too late!

    The Queen
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    You are remembered BUT you need to know EE and BE were hit as hard as you like major we have had economy failures on top of governments failing to provide to there people as they should!

    Before the war the elves had 2 war fleets equaling out to around 20 ships, after the war we had 1 that was in bad shape. We are will trying to recoup from that.

    Now UNI when you got killed you were taunting them saying your a wizard no one can defeat you…but when you died the Wizard title kinda of vanished.. If you want to reclaim that title you need to be the PVP active UNI I knew and not some man who comes on and just talked people’s heads off for 30 minutes.

    ..easy to say this war effected everyone badly

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Just Checking In

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    Listen, cysteen, on the history wiki it says split up, most official sources besides individuals in CoV describe CoV as disbanded, I speak for the majority, I don’t wanna sound rude but that’s why I put officially, yet you guys still get mad at me, if you’re unhappy about it, I suggest talking to the major crews, once the majority view has changed, then I’ll stop referring to CoV as disbanded, I’m sorry,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

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    Me and Joe_Danger2003 doing some “BugCatching” BugBusters ep1 1. Break the lower block on a claimed iron door and the upper block will glitch away. 2. & 3. glitching through double iron door and gate using boats. 

    Damn thanks for the video!

    I don’t think these are related to 1.10 at all, and just generic minecraft bugs with Griefprevention, I will send this to the developer though to see if he can stop it happening.


    In reply to: Just Checking In

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    for the record chase, CoV didn’t “disband”. the crew name was put to rest. as for cov coming back, its just a joke.

    back on topic, sara, haven’t heard from you in a while, though I don’t think we knew each other very well; but I do miss seeing ya around. GL in the real world, bro. that place is scary AF

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: Just Checking In

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    Hey Sara…
    It’s nice to see you stopping in. Even if it’s short.
    I would call this a coincidence, as I was trying to find you yesterday!

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.


    In reply to: Claim removal request

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    Fill out your request at:

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

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