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  • #39593

    In reply to: [Declaration of war]

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    • ★★★★★★

    In reply to: [Declaration of war]

    • Topics: 45
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    Although we could have handled this with more diplomacy, several of the Templars held grudges after BE members disregarded the alliance at no cost to them. Several have lost gear when “no one could find their items” after they were attacked (…by allies. People seem to forget allies shouldn’t be killing each other?!). And after bringing the instances to BE’s attention with little result why not settle it with war?

    Of course Templars weren’t totally opposed to the idea, I really enjoyed your siege on my fort today and it was nice to see the big crew battles and sieges this server doesn’t experience for the most part.

    However it seems the BE have jumped on the comment that we want the war to be fun as if it negates the reasons for declaration. The alliance was treated with disdain too many times and cost some of our members items. Why should it just be settled by us walking away? BE should be held accountable for their actions. I only wished to make clear that whilst in the spirit of role-play our crews were opposed, we all still have plenty of friends in the BE who we hope realise this  is a game.

    Yes Crazy part of the reason we chose war instead of neutrality is that BE has enough God pvpers to handle itself. This is a game after all, so why not have a fun war to settle things instead of other options?

    People need to stop being quite as salty.

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

    • Topics: 4
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    Eh , JuiceKings? Ally stop, The Juicekings are peacefull crew . Id you see them , they love the building and they hate the griefingriefing .




    In reply to: [Declaration of war]

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    After reading Allidoisdig1234’s “reasons” for declaring war, I feel the need to point out that they’re all absolutely ridiculous. Sorry if I formulate this too harsh, man. ._.

    Q: your recruitment system is ridiculous. How do you know you haven’t recruited a spy into your crew
    A: You can bet your boots every big crew on the server has spies in it. There’s no 100% “safe” way to screen recruits and our crew has nothing to hide. Our forums are visible to all as well. Why is this even a reason that dignifies war?

    Q: your crew is apparently active? Overall you have the largest total time of inactive members on the server. Some people were about To quit when I left the server in 2014 that joined YOUR CREW before leaving. And you still keep them for what reason? Which leads me to my next point
    A: Yes, because we have had hundreds of members in our crew who are no longer around. But it’s not true that we keep everyone. We have to cull the ranks regularly. And because of the new crew member cap, we have to kick someone every time a new recruit joins. Again, this doesn’t sound like a reason to declare war. It sounds more like the size of our crew annoys you?

    Q: you are afraid to kick your own crew members. Some of your crew members which I will refrain from mentioning you refuse to kick even though they are weighing you down, but you won’t kick them because they might attack you for it. What kind of loyal crew member would make you worry about that?
    A: Incorrect. We have kicked loads of members in the past. If there’s general consensus that someone must go, they’ll go. We’re also not going to let outsiders dictate who belongs in our crew or not, if that’s what you’re trying to achieve?

    Q: why are you so much against war? The only true pirate crews on this server have been the ones that dominate the “empires”. You know what this proves in my opinion? That the crew members in the empires are weak. CoV went to war with elves and won in LESS THAN A DAY. This brings me back to my point on recruiting good crew members. Not tons of bad ones.
    A: So your casus belli for declaring war is that we as a crew don’t go around declaring wars and attacking random people? Also, you might remember that CoV unexpectedly fell within a week after pretty much the whole server declared war against them. Wars usually go on forever, however, and don’t really achieve much apart from generating drama.

    Q: There are too many alliances on the server. We decided to go to war because there is too much allying and “holding hands” as some people would put it. It’s only a matter of time before someone knocks over the house of cards. An alliance is only as good as the benefits both sides receive. If both sides receive nothing, an alliance is pointless. Which is partially why we broke the one with you. We can’t count on help from your crew members. As browe said. Shay RAN leaving one of our crew members to die after almost NO risk of losing.
    A: I can’t comment on what Shay did because I’m not informed, but I do know we’ve fought alongside you many times. If you’re pinning the blame for losing trust in us on one player, I would argue that it’s not him who lies at fault, but yourself for not looking at the bigger picture nor seeking direct dialogue. As for the house of cards analogy, ever since western nations have come to work together IRL, our quality of life has increased and we have not suffered any more devastating world wars. I would not want us to break off our allegiances IRL, and because I find this a good, sensible way of thinking, I do not want us to break off allegiances in PC either.

    If I were in Templar, I would consider about stopping this drama and instead organising a tournament or something like someone else mentioned. C’mon, there are OLYPMICS going on IRL atm! Why not do that? 😛

    • Topics: 15
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    • Total: 80
    • ★★★

    Hmmm I wonder who it could be. Let’s put the pieces together. The suspect

    – complains about being killed (Galaxy mostly kills Apple crew members)

    – nearly breaks server rules to make point (like Juicekings that had hackers that tried to stop attacks)

    – is extremely harsh (like juicekings crew members that tried to bypass chat filter to insult us when we attacked)

    – slightly poor english (like some people in juicekings. Not saying they can’t speak English)

    yeah totally not juicekings.

    ( don’t take this the wrong way. Each thing I said juicekings did before has either been taken care of or doesn’t apply any more. Just saying it’s similar to the way they acted before)

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    All I remember was using 2 stacks of iron blocks, and creating a huge cannon/mortar  trap outside one of my bases. He got obliterated.

    Hard was a bad guy. Him helping verussia was just a war tactic, to gain him some allies and manpower; I assure you, it didn’t come from the goodness of his heart. All we really need to know about hard is that he was a pirate, and a darn good one at that. But people rose up, and he got an ass whopping, and so he turned to hacks in an attempt to increase his power.

    That’s it. The story of hardtimez in a nutshell. Not a hero, a figure, a legend or a myth. Just a dick who wasn’t good enough, and used illegitimate means to achieve his goals.

    Also, pig, ffs man. You comment stupid shit on pretty much everything. And likely your own comment? Man, that’s sad. Some choice picks of your recent stupidity:

    The hattawi team was banned even though no proof was shown

    Hard was a unstoppable pirate master. But he was not that rude or horrible at all. He made like barely any disrespect slurs in chat and didn’t abuse hes strength unlike the many players today




    In reply to: PirateCraft Wars

    • Topics: 19
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    • ★★★★

    Edit: the whole post was made on my phone. Sorry for hidden grammar mistakes or text glitches.

    When I first joined the server I wanted to know if Piratecraft wars implied something more than usual pvp hunting and made this post. Maybe it could give you some answers on their mechanics.

    How do wars work?

    Historically speaking.

    In 2014, when the player base was very low, the onlyexisting rivalry was between New Providence and The Batavuan Empire, two ancient crews that do not exist anymore.

    The first conflicts that can be called war happened in 2015, when Elven Empire and British Empire were both already founded respectively by queen Reptaria and CrazyPirate1. Because of argued issues tension started and war raged until peace was found. An epic ancient battle to remember is the assault of Evermoor, glorious elven city on the eastern side of the “classic word”. Here you can find much more details.

    Other interesting to know skirmishes happened between these two empires and small warrior crews such as The Milker Bandits. Other wars were led against the group Hawatis and Unic0rnjunk101’s TUPE.

    The British Empire had also to deal with rebels at the time and the anger of a previous member of the Order of the Protectors of Bislo’s Port Hope, BensterPC, who was the ruler of the island Havanna and the crew Pirate Legion.

    Now we get to the most crucial part in the Piratecraft history. Two individuals, HardTimez and Karimnaba had founded between march and april those who will be remembered as the most incredible and glorious pirate crews of all time: 0utlaws and Lotus. I personally call them legendary and unique, but careful, they were all harassers and hackers. Unic0rnjunk101 was one of the peaks of the golden age of piracy here. Meanwhile the Ottoman Empire was started by _Lego_, another famous individuality.

    Lego, Hardtimez and Unic0rnjunk101 had always ruined the Elven Balls by transforming them in a blood bath. If I am not mistaken, only the last ball held in may was safe and joyful.

    The 0utlaws were an enemy for the entire server and in order to be fought the nations of the server created the Allied, an organization later called League of Nations. It included at the time Elven Empire, British Empire and will gradually add crews like Iborian Empire, Xenon Empire, Thirteen Colonies. War against the 0utlaws was won when Hardtimez was banned for hacking the 30th of june 2015. The rest of the 0utlaws lasted a little bit but fell too. Some joined Lotus, but it lasted only august 2015 and Karimnaba was later banned for harassment.

    In september 2015 we have again a conflict between empires. For argued reasons tension was started between Xenon Empire and Verussian Empire, both inhabitants of the Verussian continent. War was started for the control of the land. Xenon received help from British Empire, Elven Empire and Thirteen Colonies. The Iborian Empire remained neutral due to a healthy friendship with the verussians. War was won by the Xenon side, which gained more land in the continent. A battle to remember is the attack om Canada. Xenon then joined the League of Nations while Verussia founded the Federated Nations with The New Roman Republic and The Entarian Alliance. More information can be found here:

    In november 2015 the Crusaders of the Void crew was started. It included the most skilled land raiders of that time. They soon started raids, sieges and assaults towards pretty much everybody if I am not mistaken.

    In february 2016 there was another tension between Xenon and Verussia. Xenon wanted more land even though the end of the first war was signed and Verussians had their reasons to pressure too. Lots of spy accusations between the LoN and FN organizations. Assumed mass destruction superweapons. War was started again. Remarkable facts are the Xenon Tower, which bombarded the verussian capitol Pallivadia and the Wither that was guarding the bunker where the verussians hold their last resistance. The resulting beacon now stands on the XE – VE border. The League of Nations side won and Xenon gained half of the continent.

    In may 2016 a war was declared against the Crusaders of the Void by a big coalition. The Crusaders of the Void disbanded (their crew still exists practically but there is nobody active).

    A super speed war was held between the Elven Empire and the French Empire in July 2016. It lasted two hours, and EE won. The French Empire disbanded.

    War was declared by the British Empire against the Heart Pirates in july 2016. Heart Pirates seem to have disappeared.

    Present time.

    Consider that I wrote this on my phone because I do not have a pc these weeks. Also, most importantly, I started my proper adventure here in may 2016, so I didn’t have the luck to see most of these events.

    This is a sum up. I could get in detail, but it would take incredibly long and there are very good narrations on the wiki already. Interview people because not always wikis point of view will be enough to set a right and complete view on a certain event.

    Here is a timeline of the crews in case you need it.

    The Piratecraft Timeline


    • Topics: 5
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    I honestly love how people band together towards a common goal. But alas, he did have a large legacy and its nearly impossible to stop people saying his name.

    Off-Topic:Does Verussia even exist anymore?

    I like trains!

    • Topics: 12
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    Hey guys!

    On wednesday I will fly to Ireland for a year abroad. I am very excited but sad too.
    So my crew and shop will stay alive, if you want something please contact Bengtsen. He will run the crew and shop while I am away. 😀

    I want to thank @GodsDead, that he runs this dope server, all the admins who let the server stay clean from gangsters 🙂 and every Player who let the server live! This was an amazing time since I joined the first time like nearly 3 years ago and I was alive during a long period of time with many players and a lot of experiences.
    I will miss you guys!
    See you soon <3



    You were one of the first persons I talked to when I joined. You let me live in your city and let me join the BE. Unfortunately our ways have split up 😀

    If you see this, I like you and you were my first German friend and I’m still angry that you were so stupid to make adverts for an other server -.-

    You were one of the first Admins! Ich hätte zwar gerne mal deine Stimme gehört, ist aber nicht so schlimm 😀
    Ich kann mich noch gut daran erinnern, dass du früher und heute immer mit eisen Rüssi rumgelaufen bist, aber trotzdem God-Schwert und God-Bogen dabei hattest. Das ist dein Markenzeichen 😛

    Ich werde nie vergessen wie wir den Stripclub gebaut haben! Außerdem hätten wir mal unser gespräche screenchotten sollen 😀

    @CaptainCrackerz Your stone brick factory was legendary in michty’s city. The stones helped you to get a very good PvPer!

    You are the only 16 year old grandpa I every saw :D. Btw you scared me when you where in the role of a priest.

    Solis with you were amazing and I hope you don’t blow up our G-farm 😛


    you helped me in every situation (with the Guardian Farm :P) and were a good friend! I swear when I am 18 years old I will buy you a beer for 10€!!!!!

    The last months were amazing with you, we setted up a little trading company! And btw your beard is gigantic and DOPE 😀

    I can’t believe, that there is something like an armistice between us and please get a drivers license I want to see you driving up a tree :3
    Without you, public traffic wouldn’t be fun.

    Why do you have this complicated name??? I hope you are still alive when I’m back!

    You were the one and only suicide squad from Solis and the one and only sheep head in my shop!

    Sooooliiiiis! You let me join one of the nicest crews on this server and we walked through victories and disgraces. You shaved the heads of the enemies with your hand! You are my man!

    You are the coolest irish rasta on the server! I will come and find you in Ireland!!!! muahahhaha

    @Riverwood202 #soliscrew! You are the only purpple, blue haired human cat I every saw 😀 OMG We had a lot of fun and i know that I am insane 😉 #music

    Why this name?! lol You are my dope PvP bro and I promis you when I am back we will raise the top of the KDR!!!!! yeeeah

    You are a Kartoffelchip! I will come and get you after what you did when I was a deckie/cadet/sailor -.-

    I still remember you and I ever bought in your shop! But now it’s me who tries to set up a shop like you 😀

    ROACH QUEEN number 1!!! Btw I never muted you when you sang something in TS



    The enemy of my enemy is my friend

    In reply to: welp, seeya

    • Topics: 16
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    Nath you got a fair amount of warning before the first kick even.

    • [07:57:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » Whalecum to the server
    • [07:58:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » You know you love it

    This first off should not be a joke, its kinda disgusting.

    • [08:30:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] CallieMav » NathOfShovels. Get over it. Was a temp mute
    • [08:31:42] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » But how is it a mature way of dealing with a situation to just say
    • [08:31:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » Get over it
    • [08:33:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » But i would have liked a proper warning

    I would say that a temp mute is a fair warning bud. I’m not going to waste my time going through the rest of the logs full of this but….

    • [08:37:36] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] NathOfShovels » This is the worst ive ever seen staff act ever

    You disrespected a staff decision and couldn’t take the hint to stop when you were temp muted and kicked multiple times. Different people will react in different ways to things people say. It seems like you couldn’t figure that out and you paid for it.


    A promise made is a debt unpaid.
    -Robert W. Service


    In reply to: welp, seeya

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    The way you acted towards Staff was disgusting and even when other players and staff warned you to stop you carried on and made you worse for yourself and that’s most likely why you were banned straight away because of your lack of respect :/

    Edit: Also I even told you that staff couldn’t nick the guy with the N word in his name only Gods could

    -Lithvather, Knight Of Winter
    Slayer Of Darkness
    Do Or Do Not
    There Is No Try

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    Im on board with this 100% except, how does it kill the point of ships, ships maintain a balance of beauty and capacity. You can fill a whole army in some ships. Ships don’t get ruled out by tp’s I get animals from one side to another using them. This may be a small use for them on a PIRATE server. But you know how it is, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, and I don’t think this server’s tp system is broken. Sometimes I don’t feel like travelling for 2 hours accross the map to get to a friend’s house to defend. With a new map expansion it’d take even longer, especially since I’m a multitasker IRL and watch tv while playing. That’s off topic anyway. Along with this topic is the no /sethome anymore, that’d be horrible for me, since my homes are all over the joint, I’d be walking for hours and quite honestly I’d quit the server. I’m sorry, maybe everything I just said makes no sense or in theory all has answers, sorry if that’s true.

    Ok. This is exactly how tps kill the point of ships: This is a pirate server, not just a pvp server. A Pirate PvP server! We have the ships and cannons, we just don’t take advantage of it. Godsy provides it, so I’m wondering why don’t we use it?

    Hope I Helped


    • Topics: 794
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    • Made area PVP free
    • Made /warp west free to use
    • Moved /warp west to inside ship (Not permanent, spawn location can be anywhere you see fit)

    New spawn thread:


    In reply to: Video Bounty Time

    Ic3y ;]
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    yeti he hasn’t been killed yet, good luck everyone XD Also if anyone tries to kill him u gotta come near my base, and that means I’m inclined to stab you with keem, so I wouldn’t if I where you. Yes he did wrong but haven’t we all? Hes just a pirate like us all. One more thing, keem is qorth 1.5k + his heads are non existent and hes 2nd on the KDR, so again, Good luck XD

    That’s why he was running away from me in Rome till you came, aye?


    Witch he pearled once just so he could move his pots 😕


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    That’s a great idea! I didn’t actually think about that. But player owned ports is a no-no in my opinion. I think that in the middle of the ocean or like every 500 blocks there should be a post saying what direction the ports are in! Like bobbies with signs! Chao

    These can be made by players, but wont be protected.

    Does also mean people can set traps.

    The issue if people could claim areas would they would set waypoints across a route on the map to stop off whenever they could to deposit items in a safe location, which then makes the trading a pirating pointless since you can just safely store items somewhere! You will actually have to bury it and remember the coordinates and use maps! (Im sure minimaps will explode with popularity)

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