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  • #40093
    • Topics: 16
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    This already exists.

    /c join    /a join

    topic closed.

    • Topics: 794
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    I created a texturepack a while back, I assigned a musket texture to a golden tool, so you have a hoe for ships, a spade for claims, and a (probably axe) for flintlocks!

    Pirate Texture Pack and Gun Plugin

    Took me forever to dig that up! And this one, with a few more screenshots.

    We need this!

    Golden Axe is used for WorldGuard regions, Be it an only admin Tool, we decided on Horse Armour for guns.

    One thing Im stuck on figuring out is, with a resource pack is it possible to texture an item that does not replace another? We can give items custom names or ID’s is it possible to remap this to the blank space in a resource file? Or does it have to replace an item.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    I created a texturepack a while back, I assigned a musket texture to a golden tool, so you have a hoe for ships, a spade for claims, and a (probably axe) for flintlocks!

    Pirate Texture Pack and Gun Plugin

    Took me forever to dig that up! And this one, with a few more screenshots.

    We need this!

    • Topics: 8
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    I’ve actually discussed this with Admins before. It may of changed since I did it myself but at the time they said there was no issue with me using cannons to kill in the above mentioned areas if I happen to find one that is still in working order. There aren’t many that are by the way. Also when I built a tower outside of cove with cannons on it they found this acceptable as well as long as the platform was not claimed. Seriously i did it for an hour with admins watching me and fought several people who came to try to stop me. I don’t know how admins will react to this at this time. My opinion on the matter of minechat is if you are gonna use it have a dark place to tp to so you can’t be seen on the map. much better than relying on the “No pvp” areas. I’ve killed and been killed by cannons at cove. I feel for you not being able to talk to everyone Rave but don’t feel Witcher did anything against the rules.

    Edit: almost forgot. Get Hyper chat. has an option to respawn if you die while on it. Works great.

    Raise your glasses, raise them high. Draw your swords, stand or die!

    • Topics: 60
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    So Apple has had a bad run with hackers, and a lot of us just don’t like the crew. But, yesterday after I died I realised something. They do have rules and restrictions, underneath all the cockiness there are some decent people, M4RT3S gave my god bow back and told me he knows what it’s like to lose a weapon, I’m sure 80% of you know that feeling but you’d never return a weapon unless it was your friends. Just cut them some slack, stop giving them grief about the past. They’ve never attacked me, they’ve only killed me if I attacked them which is 100% reasonable 🙂



    Topic: songs an enderman would love

    in group forum Ender
    • Topics: 44
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    This is just something for fun, so, here are a few off the top of my head, feel free to reply with any others you can think of.

    Paint It Black – Rolling Stones

    Purple Rain – Prince

    I’m So Lonley I could Cry – Hank Williams Sr.

    Where is My Mind – Pixies

    Into the Void – Black Sabbath

    Man in Black – Jonny Cash

    Solitude – Black Sabath

    Purple Haze – Jimi Hendrix

    Lonely People – America

    Within You Without You – Beatles

    Owner of a Lonely Heart – Yes

    Never Alone – Mercy Me

    Radioactive – Iamgine Dragons

    If Eternity Should Fall – Iron Maiden

    The Book of Souls – Iron Maiden

    Beyond the Realms of Death – Judas Priest

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
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    Diamond gear is easy to get. This is coming from someone whom owns but a single skeleton grinder, and hasn’t used it much; this I acquired quite recently. The lovely thing about this server is that it is easy to play.

    You start by placing your chest down-that area is now claimed. You mine a few trees using your fists, and you cover the chest with a log (siegeproof block).

    You use /tools and the rest of the logs to make a spade and a pick. You mine the dirt away under your claim, and you mine some stonebrick. Using a crafting table (obtained using the earlier logs) you make a stone pick, and a furnace.

    You mine some coal.

    You create Stonebrick. 8 pieces of coal and a stack of cobble later, you have a siegeproof house, as it is made of stonebrick. You ensure chests are covered.

    You continue playing minecraft; expanding the claim, making a farm, making the house larger, obtaining resources. Your chests are covered; if you die, you lose merely tools. You sell, you grow, you sell, you mine, you sell, you get rich. You play minecraft as you otherwise would, obtaining diamonds, visiting the end and the nether; its easy!

    As godsy has said many times, there will be a new world, with the focus on ship vs ship combat. Teleporting will be off, and it’ll be more like a hardcore server. Muskets may be added, and it will be more of a ‘pirate’ experience.

    Staff can only do so much, and if you disable too much of vanilla minecraft, a number of problems arise. Firstly, you have to use half a million extra plugins to disabled the fundamentals of the game. You then have half a million devs to talk to, when you end up finding 30 million bugs and exploits. The server runs slower, and there are more risks should a plugin stop working. You can only update to a new minecraft when all the plugins have; this could take months, if you have many of them.

    You also have to deal with the constant ‘why can’t I craft potions’, and other such complaints, alongside those who quit when they can’t be arsed to explore this complicated new sever.

    That’s why all these ideas are being introduced with the new server. And, please, for all our sakes, read the forums, a post identical to this was made merely days ago.


    In reply to: Ships in Piratecraft

    • Topics: 794
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    Read the reply from @CrazyPirate1
    Read the forums, im not going to repeat myself over and over.

    i suggest that the speed of ships are increased very, very dramatically

    You didnt say how you are using ships, using the maneuver tool (this isn’t the method for speed, and only for parking) or the cruise (How you should be using ships) Which skips large blocks and pauses in-between, which allows, Moving on ships, PVP, moving items on ships, boarding and exiting ships, shooting cannons at ships, you don’t have a SINGLE one of those things when you use high speeds with the maneuver tool (I have covered this before, read the forums).

    Let’s stop and talk about raiding

    What? Where is your suggestion? you haven’t given a better method of sieging? as I have stated many many many many many times (read the forums) until someone can give a better method to siege while still keeping the server balanced and not PVP-sided only, forcing builders to quit because of PVPers just wanting to make a mess. we cant request changes to the developer for Siege, you need to GIVE an alternative or an idea.

    I recommend that a restriction to the amount of siege-proof blocks allowed in a claim is made.

    What? What are you recommending? you haven’t recommended anything?

    I suggest that the “clusterbomb” cannon ammunition is removed

    Again, search the forums




    In reply to: The true PvP king

    • Topics: 15
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    Wadsworth if one group of players has a better chance than another group, you should expect that group to win. If a certain player has a better chance than that’s the best person to be called pirate King. If some player wins the title because you make it fair, what’s stopping other people from beating up the weakling that won? The only fair way is by not having it fair at all. Only the best should win. Not the one who abuses the rules.

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

    • Topics: 45
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    This topic is just a heads up for those who might not be aware that accepting tp’s or tpaheres from the following players will result in them throwing you down a sky to bedrock fall trap:


    WCBullGamer (Godspy)

    leoman_77 (Goffybear)


    I’d also suggest they are made KOS on the island (particularly leo, he attempted to drown several people there). I’m sure many shop owners will agree with me in saying they don’t want their goods sold to people who stoop this low.

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~


    In reply to: War Rules

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    odi, a suicide squad would probably be a horrible idea. id count them under ninjas, since they are still fighting. I mean if someone wants to run into battle with no armor and allow the other side to kill them, more points to them..?

    crazy, as long as you didn’t engage in the battle, then you should be able to repot safely. if you get jumped and have to bolt for pots, that’s a 50/50, imo. not everyone is battle ready when building, so idk about that one.

    browe, its a whole retreat if they tp away completely. a fight usually never takes place in a small area. it’s all over the place and can span for even a thousand blocks. long as you don’t run like a @#$%& out of the fight, youre still in it.

    the siege thing could be debated more, since the siege plugin mechanics kinda have a mind of its own. sometimes it is impossible to siege someone in a box… um.. think about what youre sieging and if you can really win it? it is stated that you need to be brute forced out. not if you walk away because of a box. brute forced means bow spammed, chased out with a sword (or cannon), etc. if you have to walk away from a siege, neither side gets a point, since nothing really happened.

    dork,…. too complicated. cannon kill is one point. don’t matter if its an amazing shot, this list isn’t supposed to make this war a competition or a game.

    again, this list wasn’t made to be heavily debated over how many points given, or to be turned into a game or competition. it was made to make determining winners of a battle within a war. the more attention we pay to deciding what rule gets what points, the less of a war it becomes and will sound more like a competition. also, you simply cannot list every single scenario or possibility and expect a written rule to be made for it. that makes it way too complicated. id like to think that if something like these scenarios were to happen, then both sides could stop bickering, and agree on something. this war isn’t really a hostile one, and even if it was, theres no need to be barbaric towards eachother in chat over who wins. we aren’t kindergarteners.


    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: [Declaration of war]

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    Look, you guys want a war, let’s have a war, but stop telling us we brought this down upon you. You want to fight just for the sake of fighting and that’s all. Stop hiding behind the stupid reasons that some of our members have killed yours 19349 times so now you are mad. The thing everyone in here get’s upset about is that you make us the bad ones, which we in fact do not believe we are. We can fight you if you want, but stop with the phony reasons. Why are you insisting on hiding behind it?

    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: [Declaration of war]

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    Shay just stop lying.

    1. Xboy was naked, at a base he shared with raven (galaxy’ – his brother’s, friend). Being slapped by a naked noob doesn’t warrant your behaviour.

    2. That might be the case, but ice’s items were not fully returned after.

    3. If I had left galaxy to die how did i come back to save you? Cysteen has already testified that she watched me come back, I also picked up some of galaxy’s gear when he died which I couldn’t do if I hadn’t returned to save him surely. Stop being a liar or deliberately obtuse.

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~


    In reply to: [Declaration of war]

    • Topics: 13
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    everyone should just remember that this is a game and to stop taking all this so seriously. .-. this is a pvp server with pirates. theres supposed to be pvp, sieges, killing… too many friends. it has in fact taken a toll on the eco, diamonds are worthless. armor is almost pointless to sell. just have fun and enjoy the game and stop taking all this so seriously. Templars and others are still friends with some BE members. that wont change because of a couple fights. everyone just needs to chill and have fun :/

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: [Declaration of war]

    • Topics: 2
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    Okay stop Browe. We killed Xboy 30 times for one reason he was placing TNT on a british members land. Nado and I killed IceKnight in a misunderstanding we still thought IceKnight was outside of TMPLRS in Spartans. You also abandoned Galaxy to die and I gave him a sword for dying. You are either lying or telling half of the truth.

    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

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