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  • #29038

    In reply to: Remake of Wind?

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    Hmmm… K, let’s just say that I can only use a bow, I can only build boxes, and I have a just carrot farm, what happens then?

    Well you lost one of your godbows to me while you were wearing captain with no sword -.-

    okay, mention that a 60th time why don’t you? I have another that I named <i>Fregley’s Booger</i> from diary of a wimpy kid. Anyways, who says I need a god bow? I do well with gunner bows XD. Oh yeah and 😛 I don’t get why you like doing that so much on the server XD. And I was wearing captain with a sword. I have to swipe twice sorta thing to change my weapon because I have a mouse pad on  a MacBook. I never get things out in time, I hate trackpads. Anyway you did well in your three v one, you really showed me that three people can defeat a person in captain armor. Eisentod and I are now friends now. The night when you attacked me I was tired and aggravated by other things. Yesterday when u shot me with my own bow, I was like “OH MY GOD, KELLYORE STILL SELLS RECURVES!? I remember when @lego took (facepalms) oh….” Anyway until your recurve dies, I’m not naming another recurve XD.



    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

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    Me falling from the top of Minas Morgul

    P.S. Highest Fall I’ve ever token


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    Emperor of Rohan


    In reply to: can't log on

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    The Server crashed by unknown reason (for me)

    Here is the Forum link for this topic ;D



    The enemy of my enemy is my friend

    In reply to: Remake of Wind?

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    Both Block and Odiwan are terrible choices to have in your crew. Block likes to hide behind his leaders/other powerful members in order to survive and Odiwan…well, Odiwan’s one of the “jokes” of the server.

    hehe, I like jokes…

    Here’s a good idea, don’t accept anyone asking for leader on this current forum post, their as good as people asking for OP on a server and then abusing their powers to be honest, I suggest recruiting lower ranked/more cadets for your citizens etc and training them, then for leaders you could see who is the best out of the group and pick that person.

    what!? Nuuuu, I don’t wanna be OP, I wanna have more of a global crew, nobody’s on except for like 7 people when I’m on. The only people that are on are in CoV. I wanna wind!

    LEMME BE IN IT! Wind sounds like such a cool name! Can I be a leader!? Oooooooh I am ready. Can we not make it a “Peaceful Crew” too? I wanna kill everyone. In a team. No rules. No laws. Just death.

    Eh no, please don’t make him a leader >.> trust me.

    Trust you? Why? I’ve never been in a crew with you in my life! And I’ve never been a leader! Who knows maybe I could do some good? I know I’m not the best at pirate craft just don’t keep on sneaking it in to all your sentences about me.


    • Topics: 13
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    personally, I use a hopper clock for my sugar cane farm. but the hopper is filled with the max amount of items (5stacks) so the pistons don’t pulse for about 3+- minutes. I do know of 2-3 chunk loaders. one of them being the portal one. I think another needs an end portal (kinda works the same as nether, but unsure if it works or not), another would be simple hoppers placed over chunk borders and have an item constantly passing through. ive never made one in any server, I just know of a few of them. back to clocks…. I don’t use clocks as much. I have a chicken cooker (spigot friendly) that uses a clock, but it isn’t fast at all. it will pulse every 30-40 seconds. then another “clock” under the chickens laying eggs. the comparator hooked up to the dispenser senses an egg and releases a pulse to fire it. it becomes a “clock” if several stacks are filtered into the dispenser, but it isn’t continuous. it stops firing once theres no more items in the dispenser (pardon me, I forget what the name of that particular redstone device is..) clocks are also pretty good for traps. haven’t used any myself; yet.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    Redstone clocks are very useful and often are necessary for certain redstone builds.

    Specifics, im not here asking for “yes they are necessary” im specifically asking for exact uses, that are being used.

    Hoppers take up 5% of resources? I have a massive fall trap lined with hoppers at the bottom…. probably about 250-500 hoppers within a couple chunks. :S

    Yeah, I was never aware of the massive effect hoppers have on the server, maybe just poor design of them.


    My other post actually gave specifics…auto farms. My mushroom farm requires a hopper redstone clock to work. And as far as I know, the only way to keep a chunk loaded is through some technique with a nether portal (forget how it works) and then having a hopper system transfer items to another chunk from the spawn chunk. But that chunk I’m assuming is admin claimed so that’s probably not a problem. However it appears barrels can keep a chunk loaded considering they age alcohol automatically when nobody’s in that chunk? I’m unsure though.

    • Topics: 63
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    PirateCraft Articles


    EE Drama is BACK!

    With the announcement of the new elven king, Lithvather re-marrying Queen Reptaria the elves are a buzz of excitement. This could be likened to the great age of the elves, and it is a great time to witness. With the forest burnings the buildings in the forest area have been slowed but nonetheless the elves keep marching on, now lead by a new king.


    Smokey Wins the Giveaway!

    This is what was put out by Ani at the end of today.


    Giveaway Results! ~PirateCraft Media


    SPQR is Recruiting!

    Need builders for Governers (run towns)
    Need strong leaders for ArchGoverners (run commonwealths of towns)
    Need strong leaders for Legionaries (lead legions of soldiers)
    Need good PVPers for soldiers

    Food and housing is free and a set of tools will be given to you upon your arrival in our fair Empire. /msg buckmaster1993 or chasedillion to join!

    Rohan Recruitment
    Welcome to the Mighty Rohan Empire!
    Created off of Lord of the Rings! Join, and fight for the men who died to protect Middle Earth!
    We have secured Middle Earth! We have moved on to PirateCraft! A new threat is among us
    now, PirateCraft is filled with pirates, bandits, and more!
    Allies: the Elves and Verussia.
    Thank you -_PigGuardian_ Emperor of Rohan

    Warp Advertisements:

    Buy and sell at warp trade! Rent a shop ranging from 50-150£ a month in rent and start your own venture. Contact Bislo1 for vacant shops.

    /Warp Trade, Turn Left for Gildor’s Essentials: The only shop with Custom Potions. ”We brew so you don’t have to.”


    Quote of the day: Asterity once said: “It was then that I saw a panda coming towards me riding another panda.” Asterity, 2016


    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 9
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    Hmmm… I will be using one soon for a sugar cane farm that I hope will work. The piston will go non-stop on the second piece of sugar cane, so just as it grows it will knock it down. I don’t really know what else to do with one. There are cobblestone generators, but I’d much rather be rewarded with diamonds when I mine.


    Cobblestone generators aren’t allowed and using a redstone clock for auto sugar cane farms is unnecessary. BUD switches are much better for auto sugarcane farms.


    at the moment you can’t really use them because of the little lags. So if there is a way that there is no lag i would use them very often.

    You mean the reason for lag IS the redstone clocks. Im looking for ways to reduce lag, Hoppers take up 5% of all resources, they are also used in redstone clocks.


    Sadly if redstone clocks become against the rules, there’s many redstone builds (such as auto farms) that will become impossible. In my opinion they should stay. I have an entire base dedicated to auto farms (basically my “factory”) and a few of the builds require redstone clocks (such as my auto mushroom farm), so the base will become pointless if redstone clocks get disabled/become against the rules.

    • Topics: 60
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    Hmmm… I will be using one soon for a sugar cane farm that I hope will work. The piston will go non-stop  on the second piece of sugar cane, so just as it grows it will knock it down. I don’t really know what else to do with one. There are cobblestone generators, but I’d much rather be rewarded with diamonds when I mine.



    In reply to: HOWs every ones night

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    whitelisted a few players to help me check if anything was missing/broken during the server crash

    ATTENTION: Server Crash

    “My claim is gone!”

    is usually a sign to say that your claim is missing, assuming there was something more severe with the  server crash I then spend 30 minutes trying to figure out what had happened, turns out this was not admirals claim it was itexters, who decided of all times to abandon on the hour of the crash.

    I was/am very tired, and had work in a few hours (Now) wasting my time when im trying to diagnose any issues with the server like “My claim is gone” when its not even your claim, is the kind of thing that will piss me off.


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    Yesterday, bobosky5 and clients attacked me. Its typical for a person to attack another person. Same thing happens about an hour later. Both attempts of killing me were failures.

    Then TODAY (January 31, 2016), they attack me again. I did no harm, and this happens a second time. Now I’m probably mad, and ask why they attack me. No answer. Then Lego finds out that they use homes to get to the British houses.

    Both pictures show and prove that bobo has homes to raid players. The first picture shows how she tries to get out of the situation and change the topic by saying she was totally gonna go somewhere else. The second picture shows how she admits to it, and asks if she can relocate her homes to get out of the situation.

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    Founder of the Coalition

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    Dear The Kaiser,

    You obviously are doing this for power since the British Empire did nothing to you. Your allies refuse to fight with you and still your so convinced that war is the only way. Lets say some how you actually beat the BE, theirs only two ways it could end. Either BE underestimates Ashikaga and fails to beat you. And then BE attacks all of Ashikaga’s cities and towns with greater numbers then before. You will eventually surrender and all your allies with betray you and help BE. You will be the leader of nothing and Ashikaga will be forgotten. Now I read that at loud it sounds way worse then I expected. Lets say you actually win the entire war… Your allies will turn against you and BE or some other empire out there will destroy Ashikaga just for the fun of it. <—Impossible Anyway you are clearly warmongering and want power so when people think of Ashikaga they think of the destroyers of one of PirateCraft’s Greatest empires. If you don’t want this to happen I suggest stop this before you get  yourself into big trouble.

    P.S. What happens if nothing works out the way you planned? Everyone will make fun of you for trying to take down the BE.
    <h3 class=”r” style=”font-size: 18px; font-weight: normal; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif;”></h3>


    Emperor of Rohan


    In reply to: Wolfheart and the SPQR

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    So people need to Stop blameing us because the aggression is all on WolfHearts side and not on ours.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
    Owner of the city of Rome.
    Server Staff
    Nos Ava Caesar Morituri te Salutamus!


    In reply to: Wolfheart and the SPQR

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    Wadsworth, I can do the talking for you:

    Leave him alone and let him be in his own country, with no connection to the HRE. Simple.

    It your problem that he came back after months of inactivity, that’s the risk when making land boundaries. Sure you can expand, but if there is a claim that you can’t remove, you either leave it outside your border, or you add it to your empire. Yes, there is a very slim chance that the claim owner will come back, but as I said, that’s the risk.

    Wadsworth, he does not want war, he wants to enforce his own right; to be left alone and to be his own country. Make the country of the HRE go around his base, but don’t lock him in.

    I’m pretty sure he will leave you alone, if you stop bothering him. And anyway, what would you lose by him not being part of HRE land? A little plot of land? A possible member? Pityful that you make such big deal of it. Let him have his way. End.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: .

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    do ./mail send CHARLEE(numbers)

    Stop posting questions such as these on the forums, ask them in game.

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