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  • #29703
    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Oh Paul Paul Paul Paul jetty has changed he’s not mean anymore so idk why you still think I’m him. I’ve read everyone of his posts and he said he has changed and he has. But I haven’t ?. Your argument kinda stands for everyone. So many people are rude on these forums so there all breaking the rules too.

    You are bringing Noob-ness to a whole new level.

    One question though. In this thread: An IP address was obtained, and it was established that the IP’s differed. But now the IP address’s are the same? So, what, did you move in with each other.

    Something else is bugging me.

    “mawa19331 is not my account its FTB_Players aka RexStrafes. He got me this account so we can play together. Idk the History of mawas account I just use it, direct all questions to him!”

    You’re not in control of this account, someone else ‘lent’ it too you? I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules, and if this account belongs to someone else, doesn’t it stand to reason that access to it could have been given to Jetty? So old Mawa gets the account, uses it, goes away, so control reverts back to Rex, who then gives it to you, Jetty, who is then banned….

    This reeks of fish, just sayin.

    • Topics: 11
    • Replies: 148
    • Total: 159
    • ★★★★

    Someone is a bit salty god, i might as well tip you over my fish and chips rather then actual salt! God calm down, they said no so stop?

    -Lithvather, Knight Of Winter
    Slayer Of Darkness
    Do Or Do Not
    There Is No Try

    • Topics: 66
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    How about whenever a person kills more than 2-4 times, they get a warning that if they kill again (in something like 2-5 minutes) they will get a potion effect which hinders their fighting.

    I could see people moaning about having to defend their base whilst under siege by killing in a short space of time.

    The thing which could happen could be that the defender, wouldn’t get the effect which negatively effects their fighting abilities.

    This would help a defender in the long run as they could then have an easier time as most people who are raided are underprepared, not ready for the attack or just overall are over powered quickly, this way attackers may be more wary along with Pvpers who are on a killing spree as they know if they kill quickly different people in a short space of time, they will get a hindering effect which is their choice to continue.

    This will also keep the attackers/Pvpers on their toes & possibly more reluctant to attack constantly as they know an effect will be put onto them which can give those who they are attacking help.

    This will encourage them to be more tactical or quicker whenever they raid meaning if they raided you, they would have to get your things quickly, whilst avoiding you.


    Yet people could find ways around it, it would then mean people who raid will be in groups to help support one another whenever they raid during the time when one or the other may become weaker.


    This would stop one person from running amok in your base who is severely over powered & possibly unfriendly to everyone else & get some friends (xD).


    This is just an idea but perhaps may even encourage boats to be used more with their cannons & things.



    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    • ★★★★

    Google and Youtube are my best friend since as an overall noob to the whole multiplayer Minecraft world (Piratecraft is the first server I’ve ever played shhhh) I am constantly trying to figure stuff out.

    Today while looking around for a way to find out how much xp I needed to save up to rank from carpenter to gunner I came across this nifty little calculator.

    Once you input your numbers at the top it tells you how many orbs of xp needed to reach your desired level. It also tells you how many mobs you need to kill or blocks you need to mine to get there. Just divide the number of orbs needed by 19 and that’s how many bottles you need. Then divide the number of bottles needed by 64 and that’s how many stacks you need.

    Starting at 0 xp
    60 lvl’s = 6 stacks (sailor to carpenter)
    80 lvl’s = 14 stacks (carpenter to gunner)
    100 lvl’s = 24 stacks (gunner to boatswain)

    I also ran across this Enchantment calculator that tells you what level gives the highest probability for different enchants. It may or may not be useful but hey you can never have enough calculator’s right.

    It may be common knowledge that these kinds of apps exists but it seemed pretty cool to me and I thought I would share.



    In reply to: Temporary opapple nerf

    • Topics: 15
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    2 things I would like to say before leaving this post alone. It was a suggestion so name_change please stop with the ridiculing for me having an idea. And it wasn’t just me I asked some people if I should do it and they said yeah. Secondly I wouldn’t know how we could do this on the server. And as this was a suggestion and merely an idea that I hope people would add on to. I did not intend for this to be a fully thought out plan so I’ll leave this in the hands on of other people. I just wanted this idea out for everyone to see.

    p.s name_change there is no way to “get around gapples” besides having EVEN MORE GAPPLES/armor. Not very well thought out of a comment i would say. Hence why I made this whole idea in the first place :I

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
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    Oi, is it such a crime to look at old posts? Can’t go anywhere without getting flak…I may not’ve known them, but the OP made it seem like they’re not bad people. And can you just stop, mate? I’m not sticking to you like a parasite wherever you go.

    I don’t see why you have to make an opinion about everything. You’re bringing up a dead top, just to create drama, and you make such a fuss on the forums without anything in game to back you up with.

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 178
    • Total: 241
    • ★★★★

    Oi, is it such a crime to look at old posts? Can’t go anywhere without getting flak…I may not’ve known them, but the OP made it seem like they’re not bad people. And can you just stop, mate? I’m not sticking to you like a parasite wherever you go.

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 125
    • Total: 146
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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello guys. Now most of you probably realised by now that the server was missing a strange carrot eating orange leprechaun. And those who have: yay! But yea xD Recently i have been doing my GCSE Mocks including my Science ISA And on top of all this, preparing for the final performances of the musical: Into The Woods. So all of this made me very very busy although its all over now so i will be back to reporting news and eating carrots this friday xD then i will be on my normal play time. Thanks guys!</p>

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

    • Topics: 21
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    I have been playing Piratecraft for a very long time, and i know what people do. One admins are offline, they start acting up ( Like swearing, glitching, etc). I hate this, and i think this has to stop. @GodsDead i think that the (lets just call it helper rank for now until released) is a great idea. Players won’t even see what will hit them. I will help PirateCraft in anyway possible, from screenshots to recordings about something serious.

    GodsDead said:

    Maybe we need a helper sub-rank that can answer questions and /tempmute for upto an hour. this way we some extra hands on board to help keep the chat respectable without having a full staff member, this could then be used as a foot in to a staff position.

    Founder of the Coalition

    • Topics: 22
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    @jettyman stop lurking on the forums, you aren’t getting unbanned…

    Also, I really like the idea of anonymous staff members! It would mean that people wouldn’t start acting up as soon as mods/admins left


    - Buildy Squad Leader
    - Governor of Vendigroth
    - Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
    - Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
    - Current Lord of the British Empire
    - Member of the Conservative Party in the BE Government

    • Topics: 794
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    As a heads up we already have a good start on a Getting Started Guide

    The homepage lists in order some of the most informal topics

    Maybe the Getting Stated Guide needs to follow on like a tutorial within itself

    New Name WyattJetty
    • Topics: 14
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    • Total: 55
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    This post kinda raises the idea of a second (none-pirate-related-server). Theres been a lot of talk about the fact Mean/rude people can talk like that because its a pirate server, But nope you still should not talk like that. So don’t blame the server theme for your actions.

    (Idea) there was a server I use to play that had a moded server and just a plane survival server. Okay so PirateCraft is are moded server with cannons, ships, Crazy ass potions, ect. So could you make a second server that had no pirate theme but was just plane survival server. So Maybe it would be called { There Always has to be a LiveMap,SecondWebsite,GriefPervention,Siege, But no pirate related things.

    I would LOVE your opinion on this @GodsDead @smokeyriver I know it would be some work on top of the Mind Aching work you do, But sense theres no pirate theme theres not much maintenance to be done Thanks.


    Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:

    “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be praise and honor and glory and power,
    for ever and ever!”

    • Topics: 794
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    @Texhnolyze Sounds like you need to be the first on the ban list with those reply’s, this is the kind of disrespect im talking about.

    I found and bought a new plugin to manage whitelist urls/filter swearwords/stop all caps/sound notify (can be disabled)/points system that I will test out to make sure its compatible with all our plugins.

    Yes you have just re-written what I wrote in my initial post, that’s exactly what I described, Issue being these players WILL be known as they will show up in the banmanager, this is legit as they will need to be tracked to make sure they are not abusing this. I think this would be a better option over having a community vote.

    • Topics: 794
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    What’s a FAQ?

    That should have really been the title, because that’s all we get, Frequently asked Questions.

    Even with extensive information on the website/Commands like /info /claims /howtoplay/A book they spawn with a MOTD and god damn signs. All we get are questions and requests 24/7.

    So lets try this, we have a Wiki, anyone can edit a wiki, lets answer all those frequently asked questions, Create an account with your minecraft username so they I can see who has created content and pay you back in-game with gifts based on how helpful the information is, Even if you just fix grammar and re-word sections that is being helpful.

    Why do I need the community to build this? Because staff are all tied up 24/7 helping players with answering questions and filling out requests, which may I also remind you should never be requested in-game, but posted on the forums

    Once this is built to a decent standard, we can then update in-game information to match it, and create a shortcut URL to get to it /faq and look into chat replacement text like #faq to post links and by this time I should have hopefully found out how to whitelist URLS.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Slightly off topic here, but @godsdead

    When someone tags me as @crazypirate1, I get a notification and can follow it to where I was tagged. However, when @crazypirate is used, I still get a notification, but cannot find where I was tagged. Its odd, and it means I often get ‘ghost’ tags, like the post above; I was tagged 5 times this morning, 1 of them in the mortars post, and 4 above, yet I was only able to see the Mortar post ;P

    Also, back on topic, I find Funky Panda to be a decent channel for content, and one of my favourite gym songs is

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