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  • #30028
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    <pre id=”tw-target-text” class=”tw-data-text vk_txt tw-ta tw-text-large” dir=”ltr” style=”unicode-bidi: isolate; font-family: inherit; border: none; padding: 0px 0.14em 0px 0px; position: relative; margin-top: 0px; resize: none; overflow: hidden; width: 237.5px; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; color: #212121; height: 72px; font-weight: lighter !important; font-size: 48px !important; margin-bottom: -10px !important; line-height: 72px !important;” data-placeholder=”Translation” data-fulltext=””><span lang=”zh-CN”>่ฐข่ฐข</span>,%20First%20Emperor.
    ฮฉ Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans ฮฉ
    Vivat Rei Republicae
    โ–ฒ โ–ฒ

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    when will the server be normal again so we can join again

    1. You have your answer in the previous comments.
    2. You are posting in the wrong topic, this is an outdated topic
    3. With this rudeness, you actually need to read this topics first page, so Its ironic this is the topic you choose to spam/be rude on:

    Topic Closed.

    • Topics: 21
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    Oh, do not worry. It will be back up soon, gods dead is just moving the server, according to this post:

    27/2/2016 Whitelisted for Server-maintenance

    Founder of the Coalition

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    Removing God gear is just silly, maybe just as silly as keeping God Apple’s on the server.

    @EmperorSalt the only reason people have a large stockpile of God apples is rather because they’re long term players and had created a zombiepig gold farm like Ventura mentioned in which I joined nearly a month prior to there ban.

    Or they have a lot of money for some reason and can afford this. I and a lot of players were a little late to the stage in terms of sitting down and trying to make God armour and for me it’s kind of a relive that I do not have to worry with now getting these incredibly expensive god apples on top of the armour which I find difficult enough.

    Speed and strength 2 potions seem a worthy and affordable substitute for the God apple but if you have the resources to make more powerful potions then go ahead. And with all the gold that you get for cashing in your God apples, that should be a lot easier now.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.


    In reply to: Temporary banned?!

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    Verbal warning for this Forum Topic, Read this forum post thoroughly.

    Publically posting this message to “private message” an admin is disgusting behavior, this is a very passive aggressive attack at staff for your actions.

    The fact it is based off a temporary punishment makes this worse.

    This will be your only warning to amend your attitude.


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    I started this slow cleanup in August 2015, I am finishing off this cleanup, original thread:

    The state of Player owned warps.

    • Removed /warp wolf
    • Removed /warp shop
    • Removed /warp nexus
    • Removed /warp city
    • Removed /warp cts

    Player owned warps were a Legacy feature I kindly allowed to stay for literally 2 years to players that owned them, some have naturally died off, some with a battle and now we are left with the last 2, /warp trade and /warp food. Both of these are still open for now until both parties owning them have read their messages and they both too will be removed.

    My points still stand from my original thread that these are to OP for 1-2 players to own, as they take the entire Economy and retain a large amount of power.

    This will hopefully remove any issue with “I was killed at warp” issues.

    There is a plan for a fair-server wide Economy system, but this hasn’t been started yet, the first step is to remove the old systems to stop confusion and finally put to bed these legacy player warps.

    It is a very confusing idea to new players that a server wide warp could be owned by a player and not staff, and with these last 2 player warps left, we are nearly ready to move on to greater and better projects.

    Thank for for reading this, im sure this will cause a lot of panic, drama and upset people that are invested into these Shops, you have a few days-maybe a week to finalize anything you have left at these locations.

    For background on these warps, they cost $9 as a 1 time fee and many have been active years. Even though these have definitely had their moneys worth used from them, I will still offer a free 2 month Captain package to Both Arinthros and Bislo1 out of good faith that I am removing these for the future of the server, so we can progress.

    Please feel free to discuss.

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    custom crafting recipe for the elytra will not happen, unless its something incredibly hard to do, but at this point in the servers life (2 years on this map) The top level players that have vaults of every item could easily make a bunch no matter how expensive they are. It needs to stay very, very hard to obtain, so its actually classed as a valuable, making it craftable removes any value from it at all, remember the way to travel PirateCraft is mostly Teleporting, so it wont be used to travel, it will only be used to Get over walls into peoples bases to raid. If its craftable, a crew could just equip themselves with them and all “drop” into a base at once!

    Flipping just doing my crops, and 10 flying pirates drop down on me… Nah. That does not sound fun! I Like walls!

    • Topics: 60
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    Gapples are an odd topic. Although I’m one of the people who hate them and think 8 gold blocks is completely wasted on this, there is the other side, the people who have actually used them on this server. I’m sure that at least one person is unhappy with this update and I’m gonna just state a load of points.

    1. No endless battles.

    2. No flipping 1v6 and the winner is the 1 guy because he has a ton of gaps, unless your Bruce Lee or something that shouldn’t be possible.

    3. Not as many underdogs losing battles against the big kids.

    4. It will become more reliant on skill.

    5. It will make you save gold.

    6. Remove half the challenge for somebody to kill someone like Chamberlain or something.

    Thanks for listening! (If you’re not persuaded that’s your own fault)


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    Just realised removing gapples entirely also removes the ability to craft notch banners. Deactivating their effects definitely seems the best way forward for the future of the server, this will be a sensational update indeed!

    Elytras could be the prize for coming in the top 3 in BOTM and ship building competitions! That would definitely increase the interest in participating. ๐Ÿ™‚

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    For anyone that finds this 6 month old thread that was dug up from the past, the outcome of this mega-thread was this:

    When we finally get onto a host that can support more worlds, we will create a separate island-based world that will have No Map and No Tp, with trade routes and very limited Claiming for land (To stop people claiming near trade routes).

    This is not in the near future as there are a few other projects I need to finish first on PirateCraft.


    In reply to: 1.9 Larger Map?

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    I believe some time back, Godsy stated that the update could take a good few months before all crucial plugins are up to date. More on topic though, I would love the map to be expanded! New lands to discovery and pirate and itโ€™ll make the map less crowded, because when the server is full theres normally 10 or so people within 500 blocks of each other which then attracts certain Wizards and derpy-bear-skin-guy, So Iโ€™m all for it!


    Wait, are you talking about me? It’s nice to know that you think about me. ๐Ÿ˜›


    In reply to: 1.9 Larger Map?

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    I believe some time back, Godsy stated that the update could take a good few months before all crucial plugins are up to date. More on topic though, I would love the map to be expanded! New lands to discovery and pirate and it’ll make the map less crowded, because when the server is full theres normally 10 or so people within 500 blocks of each other which then attracts certain Wizards and derpy-bear-skin-guy, So I’m all for it!

    • Topics: 133
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    Right, I’ve come up with something cool: Every crew can use this basic infobox to present their basic details in an orderly fashion!

    To get the code for this box, go here:

    Paste the code at the top of a page and the box will magically appear on the right when the changes are saved. Here’s some info on how to tailor that code to your crew’s specifications:

    Et voilร ! Now you can display your crew for the world to see! With a bit of fiddling around you can alter the infobox to your heart’s content. ๐Ÿ™‚


    In reply to: REVENGE OF THE SITH!

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    Ships have little use on the server unfortunately; the main one being for decorating a port. It is so rare where you see 2 ships battle each other, due to lag, and well… It’s ineffective. The closet you will get to seeing a ‘ship’ battle, is a platform of wood, with cannons on it, firing cannonballs into the landscape.

    This is where the RP aspect of the server comes in, to brighten things up a bit. Minecraft was not made to have moving ship battles, or even moving ships for that matter, but that doesn’t stop great builders building impressive warships.

    ยซ Build Team leader ยป
    ยซ Server Admin ยป
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 13
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    [​b]strong[/​b]bolded text
    <​strong>strong</​strong>bolded text

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    [​s]strikethrough text[/​s]strikethrough text

    <​a href="">Example</​a>Example


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    [​quote="author"]weird self-quotation tag[/​quote]

    weird self-quotation tag

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    [​color=red]Red Text[/​color]Red Text
    [​color=#FF0000]Red Text[/​color]Red Text

    <​ul><​li>Entry 1</​li><​li>Entry 2</​li></​ul>

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    <​ol><​li>Entry 1</​li><​li>Entry 2</​li></​ol>

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    this text is left-aligned
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    <​h1>Header 1</​h1> – <h1>Header 1</h1>
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    <​h4>Header 4</​h4> – <h4>Header 4</h4>

    <​del datetime="2016-02-18T17:35:21+00:00">test</​del>test

    War is Peace.
    Freedom is Slavery.
    Ignorance is Strength.

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