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  • #31033

    In reply to: The piratecraft police

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    @TROLLman118 it would stick to the theme of the server because they wouldn’t intervene with the raiding and sieging. something else that the police could do is stop terrorists who try and change the server for the worst so other people don’t have to so if ultra creeper tried to rebel again people could live there lives fine knowing that the police have got him under control

    i find a way or i make a way wether you like it or not

    baron of the travasen land


    In reply to: The piratecraft police

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    You can make a crew with a police-state government if you like. Then you can stop those bad deals taking place between your friends.


    In reply to: The piratecraft police

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    Um… I just have one question in response to this idea. How are you going to stop bad deals that are made by players with gapples and god? Unless all the police have the exact same armor and gear, stopping someone or some crew like CoV is comparable to committing suicide.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 17
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    So i have an idea that i think would add i bit more gameplay so we have police that do police things not like stop raids and stuff i mean easy police things like get rid of graffiti and if someone doesn’t pay the right amount to someone and wont pay the rest the police will sort out the problem this is just my idea and i would like to see what other ideas people have on what the police might do

    i find a way or i make a way wether you like it or not

    baron of the travasen land


    In reply to: Piratecraft Civil War

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    Civil war isn’t what you’re saying. What you’re talking about  is a petty little war between you and another little crew. Stop blocking up the forums with stuff almost no-one cares about. We don’t even know half of the people in your post.

    Do not horse

    Crazy Pirate
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    Oi, you tit. Godsy said post it in the right thread, what do you do? You create another thread! is the right one…


    • Topics: 22
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    You are a LONG term player, you should know to use the correct forum…

    Post here next time


    - Buildy Squad Leader
    - Governor of Vendigroth
    - Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
    - Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
    - Current Lord of the British Empire
    - Member of the Conservative Party in the BE Government


    In reply to: Update On Siege

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    Well then, I really don’t know why people just want to annoy people. What’s the point of blowing it up in the first place? At least you can get in with the soft blocks. It will make less boxes and more actual fun! Maybe we could make a ship arena and stuff but that’s off topic.


    • Topics: 14
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    So I have a couple of comments:

    1. Removal of TPA/TPAHERE commands would kill the server, nobody is going to visit your build and see what you are doing or to help for that matter. This has been done here and it failed, for a reason.

    2. The abuse of TPA/TPAHERE/BACK/TOP etc are rampant. For example, you can’t sail a ship since any captain can just /top onto the deck and appear beside you. So I completely agree they are “A” problem, but perhaps not “THE” problem.

    3. As to the original post, a “delivery service” would be an additional risk for a seller. Even without TP I’d stuff an enderchest, walk empty handed, and deliver it myself. As a buyer, I might be lazy enough to have someone pick something up for me If I could be sure it would not be stolen. As such the “service” would have to buy the item, deliver it, and only get paid on delivery.

    4. Creating more opportunity for PvP can be far less disruptive than the recommendations here. If we had “other worlds” to explore that were more rich in materials, people would go. These other worlds can simple disable the ability to claim land, teleport, etc. Truly “peaceful” players may never go there, but a majority would risk it if the reward in materials is there. Another possibility would be another “dimension” in like a sky-islands setting where the only transport is flying ships. Instead of disabling TPA/TPAHERE/etc we could add 30s warm-up and 5 to 15-minute cool-downs in a new “dimension” without disrupting the current world or gameplay.

    5. All of this skirts the “real” problem. IMHO, the root-cause is that I can build a stone box and I’m 100% safe from anyone. This is both good and bad. I can’t imagine not having a “safe” base unless I have some other storage that is safe from thieves.

    Meh, just some thoughts, but I still like this server the way it is though 😉

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

    • Topics: 11
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    I disagree with that. TP is a key thing in this as to walk across the map takes over a hour to do. Now if you want to get rid of it. i would leave it as a donation offer. as i donate for a captain, you could add the ability to tp as a donation. this way it will not go away in full. As for people walking to a base and TPing there crew in. PEOPLE this is a PVP sever. PVP will not stop, the best thing you can do is defend your base better and get good gear.



    In reply to: Teslo ban appeal proof

    • Topics: 14
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    So we are clear, I am not telling you to not appeal the ban. You will not get banned for that. There is a right place to make ban appeals, here on the forums, not in game, and not under “PirateCraft General”, but under “Help Request Ticket” where you posted this:

    Staff did read your request. Your original post should have updated rather than a new one created. But this is not why I am replying.

    I’d like to cover why you did get in trouble with me, so let’s recap our conversation…

    [15:47:48] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [_PigGuardian_ » -> me] can I request an unban on teslo
    [15:48:41] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> _PigGuardian_ »] NO. And you have already posted on forums. Ask me or another mod again and you
    [15:48:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> _PigGuardian_ »] may wind up joining him :/

    ^ A polite enough, but very firm response. Do not contest staff decisions, RULE #2

    But that didn’t stop you, you immediately responded:

    [15:49:15] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [_PigGuardian_ » -> me] But I see no proof of him hacking
    [15:49:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] _PigGuardian_ has been kicked by MCShovel for Do not contest staff decisions.

    ^ This is my way of saying “Do not argue with me.” It means, as far as I’m concerned, the conversation is over. It means I will not discuss it further with you in game, and if you persist punishment will be given appropriately.

    Unfortunately being kicked from the game didn’t get your attention either. You then came back and addressed me in public chat:

    [16:10:59] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] _PigGuardian_ » MCShovel will you be satisyfed if I give you a screenshot of his versions folder to see if he has hack

    Then you log off before I can even reply :/ So I had to send you one last mail in game:

    [16:15:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] _PigGuardian_ has been sent the following mail:
    [16:15:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [MCShovel] If I hear you ask again you will be banned, no questions no appeals.

    And what did you do? You proceed to bug other staff members. I don’t know if this is how you behave with your parents, but my kids know better than to pull this crap. The only way you are guaranteed to not get what you want in my house is to keep nagging one parent or, if you ask the other parent when you don’t like the first answer.

    Next time if I ask you to drop it, take it offline to the forums instead of pestering me. If you follow the rules, including Rule #2, we will get along great. I hope that you now understand why you got in trouble, and hopefully this will serve as an example of what *not* to do.


    PS: I do not want to see you banned for this. You’ve played here a long time, and I hope you will continue to do so. I’m sorry your friend got banned, but sometimes bad decisions have real consequences and other times life just isn’t fair.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

    • Topics: 14
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    I feel kinda bad for sounding like a jerk :/ anyways thanks guys, I’ll probably be back in a month or so, but I’ll stop by in the mornings (maybe). During my hiatus I’ll be doing a ton of reading, a fair amount of writing, and possibly a little gaming, hopefully I come back a master writer or something. And Ketoh, Dr. Pepper…best soda ever made. I’ll still be on the forums sometimes 😀


    • Topics: 794
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    I’m sick to death of you @AidsPlays

    1. You got off with not a single punishment for using an offensive username in game, that is not allowed, We all know you are full of shit; If you wanted your name you would have used your name and not Aids, But it does describe your sour aggressive personality down to a T, you deserve to be called Aids. usually its an instant ban, I was lenient and light-hearted with giving you a nickname, to keep it lighthearted but since you have:
      1. Caused drama over this; in-game related to this incredibly light-hearted, kind way of dealing you.
      2. Spammed me via PM and in-game.
      3. Now spamming the forums publicly… Continuing to be a menace and causing trouble.
    2. Ignoring you? Are you having a laugh? Oh im sorry im not online 24/7 in different timezones to bend over for little pretentious asshole children, that nickname themselves Aids. Twat. you have really dug yourself your own grave.

    Aids, you are atrocious; you have a disgusting attitude, and you need to read this:

    But because im such a good admin, I will give you the benefit of the doubt, you have one last chance before you are permanently banned, you have earned yourself 7 days tempban.



    In reply to: Report: MinecraftDuo10

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    though I don’t know if this is relavant or not, but I recall duo saying in chat that someone (will no disclose whom) donated for his rank. someone donated for duo, not him… I don’t believe I have a screenshot of this unfortunately. as for duo /backing near my base, yes. he did this multiple times, to the point we lavaed his /back point, which still didn’t stop him. quite irritating. though, I did get a kick when he thought he lost me, when I just tped home and /toped right on top of him 😛

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    Just to clear up anyone that’s confused; You will be hidden if you are inside or if its night, and only shown on the map if its daylight is what im trying to get at haha Another option, just found this:

    # If true, player positions/status is protected (login with ID with dynmap.playermarkers.seeall permission required for info other than self) protected-player-info: false

    The reason im thinking about this, is I hate people that get hunted down, thats the entire reason I think we need a change, when we have crews now they target people.

    If I may, when me and Whitaker joined this server, we were quite excited to be able to have a balance between nice buildings (Factions does not have that really) and also being able to raid and PVP. Although it wasn’t quite balanced, the rules that have been added in the past few months (No Nether Portal raiding for example) and even before, have made the PVP side of the server more and more difficult. When the Outlaws and Lotus got disbanded, the server became…boring. Everyone was just building and there was only a few people going around killing others. The server wasn’t exciting anymore because there was no conflict. This server is very enjoyable when the server has conflict between crews and people. If you remove the ability to see others on the live map, this server will become boring and feel more like a factions server for the people who enjoy the PVP side. A pirate server needs it’s pirates.

    Its noy enjoyable for crews to go hunting new players that are just setting up, its completly out of order to bully single players as massive groups. There is no way to justify doing that.

    And the portal rule was added day 1 we got griefprevention, YEARS ago, it was never written as its obvious, and not many people knew about it so drawing attention to it would have been a bad move.

    , its not removing the map, its hiding some people so they are not riaded…


    Looks like nobody liked this idea.

    No need to attack me, it was a suggestion.


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