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  • #31597

    In reply to: Story Time |Thr

    • Topics: 46
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    • Total: 555
    • ★★★★★★


    If you are not adding to the story but just commenting plz put 1:2:3 in the top line of yous post. @lordofpandas545 I am assuming you don't want your last post published as part of the story

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 264
    • Total: 274
    • ★★★★★


    not everybody wants tp for the lone reason of “we should all live together” some of us are actually considering how much more interesting it would be to have raiding party’s and trade routes, not to mention the use of ships.

    i agree on the trading routes and raid party’s ad the hole no tp aspect it would be amazing and i really want to see trade routes come into play so the pvp crews can set up people in the way and have massive battles over supplies like in the real world

    I am glad to see that others share the enthusiasm on this subject.

    Ugh, as a player that’s played for a good while, I have seen so many posts like this. If tp was removed, y’all would whine for it back. If you don’t like tps then DON’T USE IT, and if you’re being raided from people tping, get a better base! Simple as that.

    People will always complain you shouldn’t let that limit the change you are willing to support

    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 178
    • Total: 241
    • ★★★★

    Original name of this topic was ”So I just got jailed for my first time”

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

    • Topics: 10
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    @BGraph I know he doesn’t want to have no tp in the primary area but that wont stop me from debating it with people who disagree with the idea

    • Topics: 794
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    The only place to officially ask for help or request from staff is via the forums, this is the forum:

    Help Request Ticket

    You do not contact me via PM on the website/Skype/teamspeak/email/in-game mail/in-game chat or msg or any other form of direct communication.

    You create a help support ticket, unless its 100% only I can sort out, 99.99% of the time its not something only I can sort out, and usually reading or searching the website can yield your answer, only if this fails you then create a forum topic, if this does not work then you contact our staff, you DO NOT come direct to me.

    You are not a special snowflake, and your issue is not immediately important that it requires my immediate attention, I guarantee it, and its at the point where I cannot progress anything on the server because of needy-whiny people. 90% of my time is wasted just replying to people.

    I work full time, and have a very limited reversed time each day to do piratecraft tasks, at present thats 90% used up from replying to morons, that are too lazy to read.

    There is an exception, if there is someone doing something that will drastically ruin the server, that it will need to be immediately reported to me.

    TLDR: I need everybody to answer questions from other players, I cannot do this solo any more, and its impossible to get anything actually done.

    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 10

    After a very close call earlier today when I caught juicebox182’s name moving through my base, I’ve decided to post pictures of HIS base for you all to see. There were parts of the base I really liked. Like this one below. Just another day with the family out touring the museums.

    This room is what I believe to be a main headquarters for the late crew Solis which juicy had abandoned a little while back. My favorite part is how he makes the trees look like climbing vines to crawl over the walls.

    In this next one you’ll see one of the many people who were here exploring with me; pughpunk.

    We had one person standing on a pressure plate so we could explore the outside. there are two towers that are connected through this extended area. I’ve heard said his vault is in one of these towers. The quartz used here looks really nice but man that must be expensive.

    Not sure what this room is going to be, but I’ll keep an eye out on the changes.

    This room which seems to have no purpose is above the first picture posted. I personally love the prismarine with the netherbrick fences. Something to try next time.

    And some of you are wondering, how’d you get in? Well there is one BIG flaw in juicebox’s base:

    One of his towers has a very large hole in the top. Not a fun jump if you don’t have feather falling, but there is a set of ladders along one wall thankfully. Makes me wonder how long his roof has gone without a top. :/

    And last but not least, an outside shot from the Creed crew memeber’s base:

    All in all I would give juicebox’s base a 5/10. I feel there is a lot of room for improvement even if I liked parts of the build. It needs more depth to the inside walls and….oh yeah, a roof would be nice. <3



    In reply to: Interesting thought

    • Topics: 18
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    • Total: 76
    • ★★★

    Well its true yall have a good list of the top pvpers, but if trained and given resources with good communication it is possible. Like me for instance as an example, If I wanted to create a war machine I would be able to fast. One diamonds I have could supply enough for 20 gods sets and swords, two enchant/exp grinder is op, and three I have the means to dig in and not get touched becuause of the farms I have. Also having a stock of crap armor to train with is good for wasting on training.

    Not bragging I swear on any of this but also the fact I could hold against CoV and I’m not a power house pvper, nor have a supply of god items, does say there are some who could potentially be a threat.

    It would really require on person with the resource, and time to train arm and recruit soldiers to become fighters on par with CoV or the other groups. Me my self I like pvp but I don’t like dull fights. A world war would spark my fancy in truth either defending or invading. But also I have a lot I want to make but if I could snag a huge load of supplies ie diamond anythings, stone, iron, gold, gems, wood, and hard to obtain items/blocks I would definely try for it.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    I read the title and thought there was a new rule to “not be annoying”. xD

    Ha that had its own thread!


    In reply to: Rules on Siege boats

    • Topics: 14
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    • Total: 82
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    So AFAIK,

    • You can use ships to travel into or through a claim
    • Boats sailed into a claim may provide a place to fight from
    • Boats sailed into a claim may provide a means over a wall or on top of a base
    • Tow ships (attaching a ship to another ship) is allowed to steal a ship or a ship being built
    • Use boats to move cannons, mortors, TNT dispensers into a claim during a fight

    What you can not do:

    • Do not power a redstone device with a ship
    • Do not intentionally ‘detach’ parts of your ship to leave behind
    • Do not use ships to move existing claim blocks (like attaching to buildings, walls, etc. or using sticky pistons)
    • Do not use ships to grief claimed land (dispense lava, etc)

    Please do not intentionally /release them adjacent to another structure such that they attach themselves. This allows the owner or you (hopefully) to sail the ship away without hassle. Also please make reasonable effort to remove and destroy these ugly things so that admins do not need to.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates


    In reply to: Interesting thought

    • Topics: 5
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    • Total: 63
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    We are still waiting for someone to challenge us hard enough to unseat us at the top. I might sound cocky when saying this but its true. There have been crews Enigma,Delta,Solis, the new outlaws, but they all fell under the pressure. i wanna see if creed has what it takes

    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.


    In reply to: Interesting thought

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    The only thing that is stopping me from pvping again is a project im working on,

    im trying to build a Replica of Athens (in Greece), I have been mining quarts for days and if we where to have a restart it would kinda suck xD

    also for players like Konstruktor who has spent years building the Metropolis it would seem highly unfair to destroy there work.

    but on the other hand I love the idea of a new map, we had the idea of a world map which would be awesome, considering crews like BE could base themselves in UK,

    anyway I’m on the fence with this one I just don’t see it happening, although I will be pvping more, and hopefully people get some wars up again!

    ¥Leader Of Atlantians¥

    • Topics: 84
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    Allowing hard blocks to be destroyed would make it so that the more powerful pirate crews would dominate over all the weaker ones and make ships even more impracticable and make this wonderful server become another one of those faction servers. Everyone would start building giant ugly bases and the community that plays mainly to build would leave. The small amount of new players that read the instructions would build a base and then get easily raided then rebuild a base and then get raided till they quit because allowing breakable blocks doesn’t change the fact that newbie bases are easier to raid. Also one of the main reasons that no one uses ships is because they are slower than vanilla boats and that makes them vulnerable to being hijacked or blown up and allowing harder blocks to be broken would make protecting ships even harder. Now some of you say that there new players could just join crews but all the crews that accept the majority of people would no longer exist. Most pirate crews only accept people who are good at pvp and wouldn’t accept the majoriy of these people and they would leave. Now I guess a possible increase in pirates from this decision might happen and make this server a bit more pirateish, but then again there wouldn’t be any countries, beautiful cities, and ships left so I don’t think there would be much pirate theme or piratecraft community left…

    P.S: I don’t think making the more expensive blocks break proof helps new people because it usually takes expensive tools to obtain that expensive stuff, stuff that raiders would likely take when they raid their not yet siege proof base. And also requiring expensive items to breaks blocks doesn’t change the fact that the people who are at the top are filthy rich with expensive items…



    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

    • Topics: 13
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    • Total: 96
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    Oh, I needed a good laugh, and this certainly did it! But this won’t stop the hoard of whiners from crowding our doorsteps, but it does get the message out there. I think we should all help staff out at this point. I’m saving a link to this and once I sense complaints in chat, I’ll go ahead and show them a bit o’ this! Com’on people! Spread the word of Smokey!!!

    P.S. The Butt-Hurt Report wins every time!

    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.


    In reply to: Ban Appeal

    • Topics: 133
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    Don’t keep spamming posts minutes behind each other. It’s unbecoming of a ban appeal… You know you can edit what you’ve said in the top right corner of your post.

    Smokey might be doing other things, seeing as it’s late Sunday evening GMT. The mods will get back to you when they have time.


    In reply to: Ban appeal

    • Topics: 42
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    holy balls leave this server… must we perform a ritural to clense the forum of jetty? ?

    may I suggest a trial by fire? KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!


    Stand on the pressure plates and feed it rotten flesh and it bans jetty everytime,  new herobrine event lawl

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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