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  • #32649
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    This may fix most of the plugins: If an update is not possible, then SpecialSource may be useful in providing compatibility, simply run the following command from your BuildTools directory: java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map -m CraftBukkit/deprecation-mappings.csrg -i MyPlugin.jar -o MyPlugin-fixed.jar I got that from this page: I ran the command with GIT BASH, let me know if you want me to make a video tutorial because it was confusing for me at first. Also, a little background of why most plugins broke was due to the decryption of getOnlinePlayers() method, at least from my knowledge.

    We know; this was posted the day that spigot released 1.9. Again be patient its not fixing, its TIME, finding TIME to do the update is the issue.

    Ah, I see, totally slipped my mind you said that the post before. My apologies.

    • Topics: 39
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    I am using Chrome as well and realized trying to log-in only works deleting the cookies first.

    But then I started logging in using the Register/Login link on the top right instead and it works every time, no troubles (see picture below).

    Maybe that will work for you too ?


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

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    Here is a cool idea guys, Stop Bitching about all this play the game like a big boy and stop cheating.

    Game over let it go move on.


    • Topics: 794
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    You both need to read the forums.

    An update to eco is after 1.9 drops. You need to stop being impatient and read the many existing posts.


    • Topics: 14
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    Vent, thank the lord you were bright enough to figure out that nobody here cares…. You’re not funny, this is a pain in the arse, and frankly all your points you have made against me are off topic…

    Some people….

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown

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    In reply to: RESOLVED please ignore

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    lol, it isn’t impossible to steal a ship that way. the only way to stop someone from stealing your ship is to place a double chest, and/or a piston on the ship. removing the signs only stops the people with a short attention span, and those that don’t know any other ship stealing tricks ;D placing a stone brick block wont really do much.. since, correct me if I am wrong, stone brick is allowed on most ships?

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: I'm done.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Well, I’m back to my laptop, and so with a heavy heart, I’m back to writing a sad goodbye.

    We’ve had one hell of a journey Chailey, and by no means, is it over. You are literally the history of this server, here from almost the very start, loyal and dependable as a player and as a friend, which is why this is so difficult. Being on the media team is only but one example of your willingness to help the server and community grow 🙂

    Back when you and I first met, Port Royal was a small pirate town, in the middle of nowhere (yet it was still one of the largest on the server!). It still is, to be honest. But over the years, it’s had the pleasure of being the home to some of the best players on here; yourself, adzy, tim… the list goes on. As a nooby little deckhand 😛 you became one of the key founders of the BE, and helped lead it in the right direction. You then went on to the EE, to CoV, and those crews are all the better because of it.

    I’ll be honest, I can’t remember specifics, because its been nearly 3 years. Raids, the founding and falling of Empires, the establishments of warps and shops and nations; it all seems to fade into one happy memory when you’ve been here so long.

    KIT 😉



    Smokey River
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    Best post ever!!!!!!

    Make sure you read and re-read this. You need to comprehend every freaking word listed above. Because honestly anyone who can comprehend using a computer to play minecraft, should understand this. When you are told NO or anything else you don’t have to like the answer.

    Stop trying to sneak around staff. You will not be a spoiled little rascal and no one is entitled to butt kissing in any nature.

    Also TEMPER TANTRUMS are not allowed. You will bypass timeout and no you can’t have $200.00





    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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    I beat you by taking you surprise, and you kept on running from me which allowed me to get in enough hits to break your helm, now stop whining about it though I had a modded client I didn’t use it in most cases

    Member of the BE
    Some random guy who happens to be pretty good at PvP


    In reply to: Official Solis Trailer

    The Queen
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    One thing I did notice SOLIS called out COV with that heads scene lol so I am sure action will start sooner or later.

    I would not mind a little action coming ha kon the server for which crew will become Top Crew because right now no one is top crew.

    I feel is solis wins over CoV they are top of if CoV wins over solis they are top. I look forward to see the race on who will become the #1 crew.


    or viper can just come In and see start doing a free for all Lol!

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    It’s obvious that nobody knows the exact number of deaths caused by nazism but how can we know it’s not more than what some statistics say?

    Respecting human rights is against nazi ideology. The Nazis might have respected Aryans and most of the people of the west. But if you believe Nazi Germany was tolerant for all the people, I can only suggest you getting some more knowledge on the topic from a reliable source.

    • Topics: 66
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    No the V1s & V2s were actually pretty bad, all V projects where unless if they were going to get the technology be able to pinpoint a location for the rocket to hit, which they didn’t which is why so many hit urban populous because they had a high chance in hitting something & killing something because the target was so big.

    Even Hitler thought the V projects were rather bad, he was least impressed by the V2 calling it an artillery shell which could just go farther, he truly didn’t see the possibilities of the rocket, though the V weapon projects where funded still.

    The V3 was also a weapon created, but very much a failed weapon, it basically was a very long gun (or pipe) inside or on the outside of a hill, which had timed charges going along the side which would each speed the projectile up faster & faster as it moved at pace down the tube, infact I saw a TV programme on it once & they did a small version of it & it almost reached the speed of sound, & that was only a small one.

    But then again, as with all V weapons it had it’s faults, it could barely be aimed as it was mounted in a fixed position & it had ‘very bad accuracy’ (yet some examples of targets the gun hit includes London, but only 2-5 shells are thought to have hit causing only a couple of deaths) & so much funding went into it that some believe it was the reason why the Eastern Front collapsed.


    Infact the Allies knew nothing about it, yet they destroyed the weapon as they saw lots of activity around a hill in France, the British & American bomber forces pummelled the hill with explosives but made a mere dent in it.

    So the British & Americans both went there ways & designed an explosive to destroy the hill & it’s unknown contents.

    The Americans had recently begun testing early remote control & their idea was to pack a bomber full of explosives, fly it near the target & then when it range, jump out of the flying bomb & a plane behind the explosive in flight (trying to vary my wording) would steer it to it’s target.

    Unfortunately the day they went to use their flying bomb, as it was going over British Countryside, a fault on board the plane with the explosives caused it explode & kill it’s crew, not to mention this crew contained JFK’s brother, who insisted he wanted to do this last operation despite his family & much of the people he knew & around him, telling him he had done enough.

    The British idea however was used a couple of times throughout the war to destroy heavily fortified & strategic points, this idea was created by none of than the inventor of the bouncing bomb which made the ‘Dam Busters’ used; Barnes Wallis. The Bomb which they used in this instance though was called the Tall Boy bomb, it was a very big (& tall) bomb which bombers which carried it had to be modified (usually their entire bomb doors were ripped off) to carry the bomb.

    The Tallboy was also called the Earthquake Bomb, as that is technically what it made, it had a thick metal point at the top & when it hit the ground it would bury itself underground & then explode, sending seismic waves through the ground making a miniature earthquake in a 500m diameter.

    This worked when they hit the site of the V3, not to mention the Tallboy bomb was used in a variety of other operations from destroying a railroad bridge to a e-boat & U-boat dock.


    Hop you find this interesting, THE ALLIES ARE THE BEST ACTUALLY.

    • Topics: 133
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    They luckily never got further than separating isotopes and stealing Norwegian heavy water. 😛 They did make some nifty V1 & V2 rockets instead though.


    In reply to: Unban – Henrik010400

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    well, i can understand why you guys dont like me… because i raided you right? well, last time i checked, this was a pvp server.. soo pls stop the hate.

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