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  • #33002
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    Hello, I am here with a new question which hopefully won’t annoy anybody. It may be useful for future generations of novices. I have found a lot of old topics in the forum about skirmishes and wars. They all started with somebody raiding somebody and then getting raged, punished and deleted forever and ever. What I want to ask, is when somebody can attack people without getting judjed for bad morality, harrassement, cruelty. This is a pirate server, so I guess there is a limit that allows pirates to do their job and bring soul to the server. If all the pirates were punished and destroyed, there wouldn’t be any, right? So, how can somebody attack somebody else and be only defined stronger and not bad? There would be, of course, the revenge of the crew, if the victim has one, which is fine. I would like to know how to avoid complaining on the forum. I hope I have been clear enough. Thank you for your attention.


    In reply to: language from juicebox

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    You know a good point was just made to me. Everyone knows that juice runs around with a mostly full inventory with spare god and pots and what not like most players who PVP. and after speaking to some people. i notice when i did go back to fight IN A FULL SET OF GOD, only a couple items were on the ground, witch mostly means i bet juice inventory was full and could not pick up every item. witch is his fault and his fault only. i know with everything i had on me i was closed to a full inventory. So end the end next time make sure you have room to pick things up, because most people WILL come back to fight that’s what PVP is, Juice you are one to do it to, you have came back to fight  in the battles we have had over the last 2 weeks all of your crew and my crew come back to the fights to keep fighting its what we have all ways done. Now juice if this upset you in some way this maybe you should not /back to a fight anymore because there is a chance you will pick your items and it may not be on purpose because you /back to were you died. Witch is the issue at hand. Now i want everything to think about what was just said and ask yourself have i /backed in a large fight YES YOU HAVE i can name alot of players who have done this including SOLIS members. This whole issue is BS and until rules are on this website stop enforcing things you have no clue about. This is NOT your server it is gods server i will respect any rules he has down as so should you.



    • Topics: 67
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    The British Empire is one of the oldest and the Largest Crew on the server. You can find alot of information about us on the wiki page, It just hasn’t been updated in a while, so heads of state are not updated, meaning the cabinet shown in there are from previous term. there is the wiki page. Everything about how the Crew functions is described in the “Charter” fold out section. You can also read about our Laws, history and foreign relations below.

    BE was founded by CrazyPirate1 and is currently run by me as I have been elected its leader for the next 6 months.

    Above is the full current government.


    I hope that explains the mystery of at least this crew.


    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: language from juicebox

    • Topics: 63
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    We’ve gone over this again and again in many different posts. The fact is: /Back is never going to be removed. Godsy stated it, MC’s stated it, the entire mod core has said it over and over again. So let’s stop bringing up the ‘remove /back’ this is getting as bad as gravedigging old posts.

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 794
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    @GodsDead I don’t make things up out of thin air I have sources who I consider reliable. This also was not a question from just me but many players. If it’s not something you did then I’ll just but it out there as a statement. 1.9 came and redstone got stabbed in the chest. Just wanted to put the problem out there. I like to be helpful but please don’t treat me like a child when I get one part of it wrong. You not being the one who did it doesn’t mean it aint broke. Anyway I’m liking the other thoughts you’re tossing around for the Elytra and stuff and agree it needs to be very hard to get.

    Whats your source? Im pretty sure I would know If I changed hoppers or redstone mechanics….then again all that rum may have taken a toll on the old brain. Don’t misunderstand; my point being, is that posting statements like that confuses players, literally case in point, paul was asking (sorry to drag you into this paul).  And its starting to really piss me off people just keep making up crap out of thin air. Again, as I have already said, if a change happens, I post it to the updates forum, so people know about it. Do not believe everything you hear your “sources” say, maybe a better approach would have been to ASK me if I had changed hoppers/restone instead of insinuating that I already had and that was the problem. I have already explained what may be causing redstone/hoppers to act different if you read my reply, you may not have been online in the last few days I have mentioned performance issues with 1.9 in-game so I will let you off, you have made this forum thread off topic now; I have stated what needs to be done with performance, waiting on 1.9.3 and then switching to paperspigot once its updated.

    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 13

    <p style=”text-align: right;”>Hello, I’m new in this server. I was amazed by the Movecraft plugin and immediately started a base. Wandering on the forum, I found a lot of political stuff which I find truly hard to follow. Maybe a story/politics summary topic for newbies lime me would be a good thing. Or maybe I just didn’t find it.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>Anyway, I see there are a lot of kingdoms andfew pirates. Also, there are a lot of crews but only some of them seem to be active. Could you please give me a brief summary of the situation? Also, I read about these crews. Maybe you could tell me if there are more and also who the captains/kings are.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”></p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>Admin – GodsDead</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>British Empire – Bislo, CrazyPirate?</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>Elven Empire – Reptaria?</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>CoV – ?</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>Verussian Empire – ?</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>What’s the difference between the League of Nations and the Federated Nations?</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”></p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>These are the crews which pop up the most in the forum. Sorry if I missed somebody or spelled something wrong.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>Are there some wars going on? Are there any actual pirates or only empires?</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>Did somebody ever drew a political map? The live map shows some flags and settlements but only british.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: right;”>Thank you</p>


    In reply to: Souldins Threats

    • Topics: 14
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    @souldin1 I couldn’t agree more this needs to stop. @BrotherStrawhat your accusation is difficult to take seriously given the number of harassment reports against you over the past two weeks. All of you (@JavaInvader you too) need to just leave each other alone.

    So unless you all want to be muted for a few weeks, I suggest:
    1. /ignore the other party in game
    2. Do mention each other in chat
    3. Do not poke or open chats with each other in ts

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates


    In reply to: Souldins Threats

    • Topics: 11
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    At time Brother and java all communication needs to stop. and all of this drama needs to end and everyone needs to move on. we are here to play a game not deal with drama.





    In reply to: 1.9 Log in crashes

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    Please actually read the 1.9 thread, I have included 1.9 general troubleshooting:

    PirateCraft updated to minecraft 1.9! The combat update

    • Topics: 794
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    Make sure you are about at 10pm BST for the opening of the End!

    • Topics: 794
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    For those struggling to use the forum search;

    May have other random bits of information:


    • Topics: 18
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    Hello, now after reading many of the major crew’s wiki pages, I have began to realize the true shameful extent of my actions many months ago.

    Betraying the very allies that protected me whenever I called upon them was by far my biggest mistake I have made on this server so I do apologize to the states of: The British Empire, The Thirteen Colonies, Elven Empire and the Xenon Empire. And The Verussian Empire most importantly, for dragging you into this mess because of my fooolish actions.

    Now I will say I have changed considerably over the past months during my absence, however I will still not be able to play and shape VE with a new mind set due to my laptop being broken, but I will try and find a way hopefully. I just wanted to ask for forgiveness from those nations and some others that I may have forgotten.

    However, with that said, I did want to point out that The BE and 13C were adamant on removing my leadership from VE, but I would like to point out that VE practically fractured during my departure from the server and I do not think it will stand with out me, Wilson or Warbluke. Not to be big headed, but I have held up the crew since its creation and I do think it is wrong to remove me or try to remove me, so I plead to those who oppose me to not try and remove me from power.

    I do hope I can make allies from former enemies but if not, I will find comfort in knowing I was brave enough to stand and admit defeat and apologize, If you cared enough to read this then thanks Lol.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    • Topics: 794
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    1.9.2 is LIIIVVEEE!

    Use coupon code scurvyshulkers at or /donate for 15% off your entire basket

    Todays the day, Im going to move us to 1.9.2; this will take me hours, so please be patient; Everything will be saved, nothing should be lost in the transfer.

    The first thing people have said is “how do we get the elytra”; read the damn forum posts where its already covered! we have had a 1.9 master-thread for months:

    PirateCraft Minecraft 1.9 Master Thread

    This is a live forum thread, which means it will get updated with information, Press “Subscribe” on the top right of this thread to get alerted when new posts are made; I will also update on twitter/facebook once were open again:


    PirateCraft 1.9 changelog/notes:

    • We are now all on 1.9! 13/47 16/04/2016
    • We are now LIVE and open! Thank you to CallieMav, Dagersh & vapecloudbear for helping test. 16:00 16/04/2016
    • Name tags above heads will now disappear with invisibility potions; this means full invisibility.
    • Expanded the end to 2000 block radius & pre-generating all chunks to avoid this bug that was supposedly “resolved” but im not taking chances.
    • Voting may be broken again, we changed the plugin.
    • Main World hasn’t been expanded (yet) this will be decided after adding a new world (future project)
    • Gapples have not had their effects disabled (Yet!) I want to give people about a month or two to use up their stash before they are completely disabled and offered up a trade sign at the cove; the reason behind this is now they are impossible to obtain by the new default minecraft 1.9 mechanics, and wealthy players have stashes and stashes of them horded, which would make them extremely overpowered.
    • Elytra; Yes there’s one in the end, nobody has it yet, No there isn’t another way to get one (yet), no you cannot have one; we will decide how these are obtainable at a later date.
    • The End; Is still closed, until there is a busy server, hopefully tonight! Then we will open the end up for a mass-event to kill the dragon and raid of the new end islands to make it fair; we cant have the first people that come on directly as we take the whitelist off looting the end, that would be very unfair, so stop asking to be whitelisted to loot early! Event created, we open at 10pm BST tonight! be there or be sqaure!
    • The ends main island is claimed; but all smaller islands will be claimable.
    • Added coupon code scurvyshulkers for 15% off /donate and
    • After getting 30+ players on the server, we have had a massive tps drop from a solid 20/20 on 1.8.8 to about 14/15 on 1.9.2; Poorly written code I assume, and I know there were hopper issues; our actual server had plenty of resources, but its still getting held up somewhere.

    Still open issues with 1.9 default minecraft issues that Mojang/Microsoft needs to fix.

    General minecraft 1.9 FAQ:


    2. Intel Integrated GPU and Random Crashing

    Some people with Intel integrated GPUs may see the game crashing from memory access violations. The crash log looks like this:

    # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00007ffb84b1172c, pid=7928, tid=9892
    # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_25-b18) (build 1.8.0_25-b18)
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.25-b02 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C [ig8icd64.dll+0x60172c]
    # Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
    # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

    This is because of a memory leak caused by Intel’s drivers (i.e. faulty drivers). This mainly affects 7th to 9th Generation Intel HD Graphics (ig7xxxxx.dll, ig8xxxxx.dll, ig9xxxxx.dll) which ships with 3rd Generation to 6th Generation Intel Core Processors. In layman’s terms, if your Intel CPU is Ivy Bridge (Model number ix-3xxx), Haswell (4xxx), Broadwell (5xxx) or Skylake (6xxx), you may be affected.

    Until Intel fixes their drivers, to work around this issue, make sure you have the latest drivers installed

    and set VBO and VSync to On in Video Settings (Options -> Video Settings). Additionally, try allocating more RAM to Minecraft.

    (Bug report here)


    3. OpenGL Requirements

    The OpenGL requirement for 1.9 stays at OpenGL 1.3 (according to internal sources). Please report back if you have a OpenGL 1.3 only system that refuses to run Minecraft even at very low graphics settings.

    4. Graphics Glitching For No Reason After Upgrading

    Minecraft 1.9 makes use of even more advanced OpenGL features than before. If your graphics suddenly started giltching since upgrading to 1.9, chances are that your graphics drivers are out of date.

    Make sure you have the latest drivers installed

    and set VBO and VSync to On and set Mipmap to 0 in Video Settings (Options -> Video Settings -> Use VSync/Use VBO -> On) If you are on a laptop with switchable graphics, you may also want to check that your computer is indeed using the dedicated graphics card.

    Nvidia Optimus Instructions

    AMD Switchable Graphics Instructions

    (Bug report pertaining to AMD GPUs here)

    5. Getting random block lag?

    If you are suddenly getting block lag in 1.9, try lowering your render distance in Video Settings (Options -> Video Settings) to something below 16 chunks. Also, try allocating more RAM to Minecraft.


    Lets have some fun

    Lets see who can come up with the best shield designs, lets see who can pull off the best invisibility heist, lets see what unique ways we can now use lingering potions and these fancy new arrows!

    Lets do an event; hopefully tonight, we will have a mass-end opening ceremony, where everyone will be able to all tackle the dragon together and raid all the small end islands.

    Future planned event; we want to do a tournament to win an elytra; sadly the tournament plugin hasn’t been updated to 1.9! so we are trying to find a decent working plugin to manage this.

    It took a lot longer than expected, but were there, were on 1.9.2 and we have all our plugins, data and were playing!


    In reply to: Claims Removal Request

    Alvanos Morvothril
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    ~Dark Elf King of the Ebonheart Empire~

    "I don’t recall using teleportation. Yet there I was. Alone. Naked."
    -Abraham Lincoln

    • Topics: 15
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    This is a topic that a lot of us have moved on from, but you STILL had to point it out…

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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