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  • #33266
    • Topics: 2
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    Just noticed that to pass the rank of sailor you need to kill 20 people. Peace in Piratecraft is an impossible utopia by definition. The server itself wants me to start wars! …Luckily!


    In reply to: Play Timer glitch

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    It is broken this has been posted and addressed my God’s. Close this topic and read the right post.

    They are working to resolve the issue.


    • Topics: 42
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    I love 1.9 pvp personally. @Reptaria gg you have finally done it, you scheduled the elven ball during one day i can’t show up ^_^


    Side note keeping it private would not stop the attacks…

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 794
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    I just noticed on Group forums made by players, you can subscribe to the forum to get updates when a new thread is created on the forum! The subscribe link is top left of the main forum page.

    For example if you visit “The cove” group;

    Top left you will see:

    View post on

    Seems to only show for Groups, I cant be the only one that didn’t know this! Subscribe to your group forums if you want to be notified when a new post is made!

    • Topics: 60
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    the sad thing about shields is that the shields don’t have the same number of pixels that the banners do, so be sure to test ur new banners on the shield to see if u like them lol

    Yeah this was really disappointing; that and arrows dont stick in them ?

    That’s really funny when it bounces off and hits somebody, we should make a shield bouncy wall



    In reply to: Competition Time!

    • Topics: 50
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    *~*1.9 update: the story the piratecraft elite wont let you know*~*

    (this is conspiracy theorist trope btw, be prepared)

    There I was, building my city, when a man, who shall remain anonymous, knocked on my gate, this is his story, word-for-word from the interview:

    [Me (M)]- “so, [REDACTED], you say you have some information on why the 1.9 update is taking so long to get to PirateCraft, tell me about that.”

    [NOTE: this was prior to the 1.9 update unleashing onto PirateCraft]

    [Anonymous (A)]- “yes, thats right, I dont have much time, admins and GodsDead himself are monitoring the logs, looking to see any wistleblowers, I’m gonna have to delete some log info after this, I’m taking a huge risk here, I hope you know.”

    [m]- “Yes, I see, now, please tell me the info you wish to share, I have a word document open.”

    [A]- “ok, a while back, the admins all had a little meeting, they wanted to discuss the 1.9 update, with the recent banning of Elexander, the discussion was brought up of PvP crews getting stronger than they already are due to the updates more realistic fighting mechanics.”

    [m]- “I see, what was said?”

    [A]- “well, they wanted to start monitoring PvP crews more closely, CoV, Solis, even Creed, they were fearing an uprising, and they thought this update may just be the final straw.”

    [m]- “But some of the admins are apart of CoV, how did they think they would react to this?”

    [A]- “they tried to convince us that those crews are too powerful, they wanted us to spy on them.”

    [there is a pause of around a minute]

    [m]- “you still with me, [REDACTED]?

    [A]- “yeah, I’m here, editing the data log.”

    [m]- “I see, and why are you telling me this?”

    [A]- “because you’re trustworthy, truth is, I dont know”

    [A]- “the server is about to restart, I wont be on after it, if you’re gonna discuss this with someone, have it be everyone”

    the conversation ends, the next day he refuses to talk about the topic, and a while later, suposedly due to a civilian knowing of this scheme, the server is updated to 1.9, no admin ever discussed this topic with me again

    ~Chasedillon123, the M-Files,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

    • Topics: 133
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    Right, I’m going to clean up the BE wiki page. We need to produce a new atlas as our latest public map is over half a year old.

    The coordinates of our CURRENT settlements as of 21.04.2016 are:

    Karjat – (-4700 -5000)
    Vendigroth – (-5920 -3600) [This is “Rome” on the comprehensive map.]
    Port Hope – (-230 -2600)
    Gloomsbay – (-1300 -7200)
    Port Panem – (-350 -7666)
    Port Royal – (275 1300)
    Canada – (-4130 -3500)
    Port Vernesse – (-3080 -7160)
    Ionith – (1320 2564) [= Edori_an’s Temple Islands]
    Isle of Zeal (275 700)
    British HQ – (-4000 -2350)
    London (-1860 -530)
    Fort Fang (-3804, -2991)
    Whiskey Peak (-4300, -2860)
    Mariejois (-3500, 2020)
    Gildor_stinky’s Town (-3700, -6400)
    Hamsfield Court (-5845, 1000)

    Other things to adjust:

    -o- Bridgetown down south-east belongs to RavetheWave. He is no longer in the BE, but a member of Solis.
    -o- Goldton, Westeros, Newfoundland, Corfadia, Port Brankling and Port Blue (or whatever that British island is in the western ocean) are inactive and uninhabited. New Clankton possibly too.
    -o- Fort Wolf on the map should be removed and replaced with Wolfshire. Wolfshire is an old popular shop town run by Ma_c_hi, an old mod who hasn’t been online in a long time.
    -o- SuperGL’s Town (another mod who hasn’t been online for a long time) is another settlement west of the Cove worth putting on the map.
    -o- CallieMav’s Town is also worth putting on the mod settlement list.
    -o- Port Lacomus belongs to Reaper, yet another mod town!
    -o- Nearby across the water are Skymanjay’s old town (can’t find it actually, was it regenerated?!) and a Dutch settlement founded by TimHuisman (Oldenburgh?).
    -o- Havanna on the far East of the comprehensive map was regenerated after a war. It is now the Oriental Empire of China. But OEoC is inactive, and Havanna was better known. Your call.
    -o- Cirquo’s Castle is a blast and deserves some recognition! He was in the BE for a long time, then joined the EE shortly before disappearing on a new project on a different server.
    -o- Delta Tower is somewhere in the world. No idea where, but it’s epic!
    -o- Vivenheim on the comprehensive map is the Verussian main state you are looking for. Dunno if this is it’s official name. Verussia merged with Rohan btw, so I’m not sure what they’re called now.
    -o- Metropolis belongs to Konstruktor, one of the members of Atlantis.
    -o- Carmory belongs to Sting, who is unaffiliated.
    -o- New Faythe is somewhere, it’s part of the Iborian Empire.
    -o- And don’t forget the Cove. 😉

    There is much, much more stuff that I haven’t mentioned or don’t know about. These are the main things that occur to me off the top of my head. Hope they help. 🙂

    • Topics: 794
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    If cannons cannot damage hard blocks in claims, why then there are a lot of topics about destroyed cities? How did these cities manage to get blown up? I’m sure everybody builds structures with at least stone bricks…

    People trust the wrong people; they get backstabbed, its possible to toggle explosions inside a claim if you have trust on it.

    • Topics: 2
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    If cannons cannot damage hard blocks in claims, why then there are a lot of topics about destroyed cities? How did these cities manage to get blown up? I’m sure everybody builds structures with at least stone bricks…

    • Topics: 19
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    There is a list of the crew’s settlements in my topic. Some towns have a “Yes” near them meaning that I found them and put them on the map. Some of them have a “Yes” with a “?” meaning that I am not sure about the location I gave them because, in that case, I based my choice only on vague geographical descriptions on the wiki.

    If you give me coordinates and zoomed map screenshots, I can fill my list. I need to write a “Yes” near every town name. Also, I would like to know the capital city of each crew, so I can enphasize their icon. For example, I know that the future capitol of the British Empire is London, but is still in construction right now. What is the public headquarter? The question is the same for every crew.
    Thank you all for the notes you gave me!

    Thanks! If you confirm that Twin Peaks is now called Lylalune, I can modify the map in no time.

    Thank you for the addition. Could you tell me if you have some official settlements there that I can actually put on the map? I will add the influence areas later basing myself on town locations and geographical situations.

    Thanks for the support, I don’t really know where Verussia is. I only put North Verussi and South Verussi, and I am not completely sure about their locations. I know there is a land named “Verussia” but I don’t know what exactly it covers. I plan to make a geographical map with only land and isles names!

    I’ll be waiting for the coordinates when you’ll be ready. It would be nice to have some zoomed screenshots of the settlements so I won’t make mistakes. Also, make sure to write here the entire list of settlements that you want to make public!

    @Wilson Thanks Shawn Daley, I will make Vievenheim a Verussi town. Also, if you recognize some towns on the list that don’t have a “Yes”, tell me!

    Thank you Wadsworth, I will change the name of your crew. Though, I am not sure about the island you were talking about. Could you please post a zoomed screenshot of the settlement and his official name? Are you talking about “Chinatown” on the isle of Havanna?

    Thank you so much for the great support and thank you for the help. I hope that after the the completion of my map the dynamic live map will be filled with custom icons as well (or maybe the opposite). I found a couple of new settlements on that you provided me such as Atlantis, Carmory, Merc Camp, Mirkwood, Novopangaea, Oldenburgh, Port Lacomus, Singapore, Tortuga, Wolfshire. Sadly, there were only the coordinates of Carmory, founded by Stingbarry, which appears to be neutral; I will mark it as white, like the Cove (which I haven’t put yet). A thing to remeber for the future is to always write some coordinates and adding a map screenshot when making a new settlement wiki page. Just thinking, imagine some sort of web page with this map where a town image with brief history and info pops up by moving the cursor on the city icon. It’s just a random plan, I don’t know anything about web construction, but it’s funny and interesting to imagine. One thing is sure: my image is big and detailed, the icons are small, so I have to find an image server which allows to zoom a lot and move. Otherwise, I’ll have to split it.
    Yes, some people do not want their shelters to be public, which is fine. These are usually very small settlements, I guess that if they will rise, they will decide to show up. Also, as you said, cities rise and fall. Not a problem, my project file is versatile and can be easily updated. It would be great to add even old, important ruins on the map.
    I am thinking about multiple versions. My plan is to make a “Geographical map”, with vaste lands, oceans and isles names such as Verussia or Havanna, without towns. I don’t think there are a lot of land names but still, somebody could start to invent them.
    A “Settlement map” with all the towns of the server. A “Political map” with crews areas of influence. Finally, a mix of the three versions. Also, I can make a crew focused map with only their settlements if somebody needs it.
    The render of the map would be very useful if you keep the current angle of view (a streched circle), or I’ll have to mess a bit with the project file. (Give it to me anyway, I will see). I can always combine multiple zoomed screenshots from the live map.
    I have never watched Game of Thrones but I guess you are right, the style is similar! I used different town icons by looking on town size on the map and role (fort or city).
    Regarding the live map, the pin icons should be definitely made. I could try to help a little bit after this project.

    Thank you, I will update the map as soon as I can.

    Which town are you talking about? Give me city name, coordinates and maybe a screenshot. Check my sources to see how I put the British Empire icons and why this city you mentioned is on my map.

    Not a problem, thanks for the note, just give me coordinates and a close screenshot so I can modify the icon position.

    I am sad to see that I forgot something. As I said, it means there was not enough information on the forum and on the wiki! Give me official town names, coordinates and some screenshots!

    Thank you for the help! I think I found the land but in order to influence and theoretically claim that area you should have some forts there. If you have one or two, could you please tell me their names, the settlement coordinates and maybe a closer screenshot?

    Again, thank you all.

    This is an efficient form to help me completing the map.

    – Town name, Crew, Coordinates, Zoomed live map screenshot.

    Also these, more difficult, if you can.

    – Founder, Year of foundation.

    • Topics: 794
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    Let me start off by saying, this is absolutely stellar work, it looks absolutely fantastic, plus with accurate settlements added, that’s magnificent! im blown away by the time and effort put into this project, I hope you can continue to work on such an amazing project, and I want to help you as best as I can!

    I tried my hand at this kind of thing way back in 2014, I created a graphic of the world map but I didn’t put the settlements on though! I wish I did so we could have compared what a difference 2 years makes!


    Its amazing to see the map change so much in that time!

    I think this is a great time to get people to put some markers on the map for you!

    I have tried to get people to mark their settlements on the map, currently donators can actually place a marker under the settlements category on the live map, if you hover over the layers tab top left of the live map, you can select settlements, I highly suggest everyone help out @AppleJK by marking your settlement on the map; methods on how to do so are listed on this is a donator only perk to avoid abuse; Custom flag/icons can be requested from this thread for any new crews that would like a custom one.

    What is quite hard, is a lot of people create private groups on the website with their settlement Coordinates, they keep them private to avoid getting raided and work in small crews. There was also a very outdated thread created to try and list settlements; which has now been moved to the wiki for people to list settlements based on map, which I also encourage people to please also fill out, even for the sake of creating a history, citys rise and fall, get taken over, sold or blown to bits!

    I’m very impressed Apple, and I do hope you continue this project, it would be fantastic to get a IRL map printed out! Im willing to re-render the world using other software to output high quality images of the map aswell, i’ve used a few in the past and each has their own results!

    Hopefully the community will recognise this wonderful addition to the community we have here at PirateCraft and start to play alongside you in-game 🙂

    Edit: got me thinking about the map icons; we haven’t had any updated map icons in literally years; Im sure we could have better North, East, South and West icons, I mostly use the built in icons from dynmap; I love the choice of almost game of thrones style “house” icons used on the map decoration; maybe a pin design might look cool, where it looks like a pirate has pinned into the map the settlements? Anywho; maybe we need a complete set of brand new icons for players to choose from when plopping down an icon on the map, anyone up for the challenge?

    • Topics: 19
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    • ★★★★

    Piratecraft Map May 2016
    Link for zoom –

    Hello, you have never heard about me but I am now here with a project. I have tried to study and explore the forum of Piratecraft in order to create a geopolitical map of the server, even though I have always been away from the community.
    It was a very hard work because I don’t know anybody here and the only way I could manage to success was to find old topics about wars, conquering, foundations and maps. I can’t complain about the wiki’s information because I can clearly see the effort put into it. A big issue was that there were few notes about towns and almost none of them had coordinates. I will give you the links for the sources if you are interested to follow the path of my work.

    The map I created shows only towns, painted with the crew’s colours. There are a lot of towns and settlements missing because of the lack of information on the forum and the wiki. I hope you will help me to complete the project by correcting what I got and adding what is missing.

    I’m planning to add the missing crews and create also a separate map with areas of influence. I also plan to add some notes near the city symbols with the year of foundation and the name of the founder. It looks overdetailed but somewhere on the forum I have seen the admin saying that this server loves history and traditions. I love them too.
    I would add the year and the founder also near the crew’s titles. Also ruin locations to remember, like Havanna.

    If you think the town names are too small, tell me. Tell me your opinion, I only ask the inhabitants of Piratecraft to give me as much information as you have, so I can give you the best map I can make.
    I have a very well organised project file so I can easily make modifications. Updates are not an issue.
    Thank you.

    Map link Version 2:

    Piratecraft Map V2


    List of active crews by PaulOnFire:

    PirateCraft Active Crew List March 2016

    Crew info from the wiki.
    This settlement list page on the forum seems to be empty/broken.
    Old general map:
    Old, raw map by Maximus_Terragon.

    View post on

    Elven Empire:
    Town locations from QueenRep’s (Reptaria, founder) maps.

    Territories of the Elven Empire

    Elven Empire Map

    British Empire:
    Old maps from the wiki.
    Town list on the wiki.
    Verussian Empire:
    Town locations based on Maximus_Terragon’s map and on Verussi settlements wiki page descriptions.
    New Roman Republic:
    Town locations based on Maximus_Terragon’s map and on wadsworth discussed map.

    View post on

    Iborian Empire:
    Town locations based on wiki’s vague city descriptions and on Palmerageddon’s (founder) movements on the live map.
    Xenon Empire:
    Town locations based on Maximus_Terragon’s map
    Luteus Republic:
    Town locations based on Maximus_Terragon’s map.
    Crusaders of the Void:
    Information about the city of Evermoor on this topic and on the wiki.
    Base location by Ken.

    View post on


    Also, I took a look on these topics trying to determine some locations of which I couldn’t find the coordinates.

    Attacks on North Verussi

    North Verussi (0utlaws)

    Setting Up A Region Map!

    Unnecessary Griefing by Reptaria?

    List of settlements – (Preparation for Map Version 3)
    I strongly suggest to put coordinates and live map screenshots of cities when writing on the wiki about towns, otherwhise the information can be understood only by the author.

    Metropolis Yes
    British Empire

    Brigand’s Grotto Yes
    British HQ Yes
    Corfadia Yes Ruin
    Fort Crater
    Fort Vengeance Yes
    Fort Fang Yes
    Fort Havanna Yes Ruin
    Fort Noble
    Fort Wolf Yes
    Gildor Stinky Yes
    Gloomsbay Yes
    Goldton Yes Ruin
    Hamsfield Court Yes
    Ionith Yes
    Isle of Zeal Yes
    Karjat Yes
    London Yes
    Mariejois Yes
    New Clankton Yes Ruin
    New Foundland Yes Ruin
    New Zealand Yes
    Port Alexandria Yes
    Port Blue
    Port Brankling Yes Ruin
    Port Hope Yes
    Port Laconia
    Port Oribi Yes
    Port Panem Yes
    Port Royal Yes
    Port Vernesse Yes
    Province of Canada Yes
    Temple Islands Yes
    Vendigroth Yes
    Virgin Islands Yes
    Westeros Yes Ruin
    Whiskey Peak Yes
    Crusaders of the Void
    Astrity Yes
    Evenmoor Yes
    Jmoo Yes
    Smokey Yes
    Souldin Yes
    Woodland Elven Empire

    Arcadia Yes
    Caras Galathon Yes
    Great Canal Yes
    Lathol Yes
    Lorien Yes
    Lothlorien Yes
    Mirkwood Yes
    Parnovia Yes
    Tal’kari Yes
    Twin Peaks Yes
    “Unknown” Yes
    Dark Elven Empire

    Village of St. Ender, Kanube, 2016
    Enterian Alliance
    Iborian Empire
    New Faythe Yes?
    Port Acemunch
    New Roman Republic
    Elexandria Yes
    New Rome Yes
    Luna Yes
    Bridgetown Yes
    Thirteen Colonies
    Verussian Empire

    North Verussi Yes
    South Verussi Yes
    Vievenheim Yes
    “Unknown” Yes
    Xenon Empire
    Fort Bambini Yes
    Fort Kobra Yes
    Fort Xantis Yes
    Port Talonia Yes
    Port of Xenia Yes
    Carmory Yes
    Merc Camp
    Vape Land

    SuperGL Town Yes
    CallieMav Town Yes
    Port Lacomus Yes
    Oldenburgh Yes
    Cirquo’s Castle Yes
    Delta Tower
    Wolfshire Yes
    The Cove Yes

    I am sorry if I made some shameful mistakes. This research can be also useful for crew captains to check their notoriety: if there’s little information about them, it’s because they haven’t “advertised” themselves enough on the forum. I hope this topic will fuel some history love, before time erases our memory. Thank you again.


    Smokey River
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    Wait, what are you saying exactly. Are you trying to bring forward the topic of players being butthurt for dying?



    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

    • Topics: 17
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    Alot of players have already been looking around at warp east, it is great to see that someone like the buildings 😉 but well, we need more builders.


    Do you dream about being respected by other players for structures that you selfless have been building for our server? Do you dream about building in a area with no siege? All you have to be able to do is:

    – Build good looking structures.

    – Obey the builder rules

    – Accept if your structure gets removed if those does not fit in, in any way.

    Im looking forward to see you at warp east, as builder. Soon we will have the East Event ready, with epic rewards and custom named items. 😉 Ask for access in this topic or ingame.


    To those players who in any way have difficulty to respect volunteers who are doing a great job for the server

    <b>PLEASE STOP:</b>

    – Annoying the builders in any way.

    – Trying to lure builders out of the pvpfree area.

    Picking up (and keeping) items that builders have lost from death to mobs etc.

    understand that those players are doing this for the server, for Godsdead, and also for YOU.

    please do not accept this behavior.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • Topics: 133
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    @Jenny85 I happened to make a list of (almost) all the active crews on the forums only a month ago! Check it out here:

    PirateCraft Active Crew List March 2016

    The maps on the BE wiki page are old but roughly accurate, there is also an old map of the EE here:

    SPQR created a map of their realms a few weeks back, but I can’t find it any more! Verussia and XE share a continent and have made maps in the past. But again, I can’t find them in a hurry…

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